The door incident

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I was deeply lost in a dream, not sure about what, when I started to hear an obnoxious beeping. Slowly opening my eyes, I grunted sleepily and sat up in my bed. The beeping came from the room next to mine.

"Jeez, these walls are thinner than paper.."

Still half asleep, I stood up and went to go get ready. I was brushing my teeth when I heard someone knock at my room door.

"Must be Tommy." I thought to myself and went to open. I pushed the door outwards and expected to see my little brother's face but instead my eyes met someone else's. Someone taller than me, with curly brown hair and a wide smile plastered on their face.

In a matter of milliseconds, I was wide awake. I slammed the door in his face and shouted weakly "Not done yet, Tommy's room is the one to the left!"

I planted my back against the dark wooden door and slowly slid to the ground.

Why did I care so much about how I looked in front of him? Well, he was sort of a stranger, so it wasn't THAT weird, right? Right?

I quickly went and got ready for the day, not thinking more of the incident. After about an hour, there was another knock at my door. I looked through the peeping hole to avoid another embarrassing situation, even though I was fully ready to go.

To my relief, I was presented with Tommy's impatient expression. I opened the door, and he seemed to lifht up for a second before teasing me.

"I heard you slammed a door in Will's face."


An elderly couple further down in the hallway stopped and turned around to look at us, and we couldn't do anything but stare back. After they left there was an awkward silence between us.

Suddenly I burst out laughing. Tommy stared at me like I was a maniac, and he was probably right. I pulled him into my hotel room and shut the door.

After a while of silent staring, my brother grabbed my shoulder to shake me back to reality.

"Why DID you slam a door in his face?"

"I already told you! I had just woken up, from your alarm might I add, and he just knocked. The man didn't even text me to let me know he was coming over!"

"Y/n, Wilbur doesn't have your number. There's no way he would, since neither of us have given it to him."

"Good point. When are we leaving?"

"In a few minutes, get your bag."

"Why are you so serious? You're still 17, no need to act older then me."

Tommy scoffed, and chuckled at something in his head. I went to my suitcase and got out my f/c handbag. It wasn't giant, but big enough for my phone, room key and a few necessities.

Tommy let me know that the gang was planning on getting brunch at a nearby restaurant, and who was I to disagree?

We arrived in my car, and went inside to see his friends sitting there at two separate tables. As we sat down, Tubbo smiled at me.

"Good morning y/n!"

I never knew how it was possible but that boy could brighten up the worst situations by merely existing. It was like he repelled any bad emotions that dared to come near those around him.

I smiled back, happy to see the small brunette. Or, small and small.. He was only like an inch shorter than me. It was truly strange, how my not even legal brother was so much taller than me. Me, an ADULT woman, in her twenties!

I looked away at the others, now as cheery as the rest of the lot. They all greeted me, and I returned the hello's and good-morning's. When it came to Wilbur, he simply nodded at me and smiled, but his eyes were full of questions.

We all enjoyed brunch, and discussed the upcoming convention. Wilbur let us know that their good friend Niki would be joining them in a few days, as she had some business to take care of before getting to enjoy the convention.

This first day we would be exploring the convention-area, finding different booths and learning when different events were goi no to take place. As I knew little to nothing about Minecraft, I decided to just go with Tommy and Tubbo.

I'm not really known for being a lucky gal, but somehow the situation called for some others joining us.

And among them, one Wilbur Soot.

778 words

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