You're okay.

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Those four words rendered me speechless. I couldn't move and my eyes were quickly starting to fill up with tears.

"Woah, hey! I know you might be a little in shock but you're okay. You're okay."

Wilbur put his hand on top of mine and held it, gently squeezing it to comfort me. Tommy was still staring at me, still silent as a mouse.

I didn't recognize my little brother. His hair was messy, well, messier, he had dark purple bags under his eyes and he looked as if he hadn't eaten a thing. He look as bad, if not even worse than Wilbur.

"Hey.." I started, his still tear streaked face making my heart ache. We sat in silence for a couple of moments before I lifted my hurting arms.

He made a grimace, and dived into my embrace, sobbing out words that I coulf barely make out.

"I- I, I thought you were.. were dead!"

I hugged him as tightly as I could with the bandages restricting my movements quite a bit. In return, I got my ribs crushed by my still sobbing brother.

Wilbur leaned back, watching the scene with a small, still worried, smile.

"Alright, Tommy. You might end up being the one killing her, you're crushing her."

Tommy shot up, straightening his back but not letting go of my hand. I gently caressed his thumb.

"Three days.. huh. What happened?"

Wilbur looked me dead in the eyes. It was clear this wasn't a laughing matter, but I just smiled at him. I barely felt any pain at all anymore.

"There was a truck.. the driver didn't have time to stop. He's very worried and promised to reimburse you for any problems this may cause."

His face contorted into an expression that I couldn't figure out.

"Well that's good, at least he didn't hit and run. A bit hard if you drive a truck, I suppose."

I placed my hands on either side of my body, steadying them before sitting up in the bed. I made an effort to move my legs so that I could stand up but to my surprise and horror I couldn't feel them at all.

Neither leg was moving an inch.

I drew in a short breath before looking at Wilbur yet again. He looked sad but calm, I guess he would have had some time to process it.

Not even my brother looked worried. He just seemed melancholy and the room was silent once again.

"Paralysed, waist down. At least for a couple of months, if not permanently."

Wilbur finally spoke.

"I'm so sorry Y/N.."

"It's fine, just- can you help me get up?"

At that exact moment the nurse from before entered the room, pushing a wheelchair in front of her. That was when it hit me.

I might never walk again.

474 words

(FUCK WILBUR) Restored | Wilbur X Reader | DISCONTINUEDOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant