It's been three days..

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When I woke up, I immediately felt heavy. My body ached all over and I couldn't so much as lift a finger.

I tilted my gaze downwards to check the damage and from what I could see, it was a horrid sight.

My arms were covered in stitches tenfold and there were bandages on all the body parts I could see.

Wanting to distract myself I looked up at the room I was in. It was very bright, my eyes almost hurting from the strong white light coming from a square ceiling lamp.

The walls were grey and the room was empty, except for a couple chairs along the walls, a bedside table and of course the bed. Back to the chairs, in them sat someone I hadn't noticed earlier.

The persons was facing downwards and their hair was covering their face but I recognised those auburn locks.

Wilbur was the one slouched over in the chair, sleeping peacefully. I exhaled heavily and once again tried to lift my arm but the pain stung once again and I had to gasp.

At the gasp, the sleeping man stirred awake while I lied in the bed trying not to cry. His face lifted once again, and I could confirm that it was in fact Wilbur.

He looked at me for a few seconds, still dizzy from sleeping but then immediately got up and left through the brown door.

It was at that moment I noticed that my room was not only colourless but also had no windows. I sighed before relaxing to go back to sleep.

I was just about to float into the dreamworld once again when a panic-struck Wilbur burst through the door with a nurse and my little brother following closely behind.

The nurse kneeled beside my bed and looked over my injuries and checked the monitors with cords that were plugged into me.

I ignored her touches and looked over at the two boys instead, only to see Wilbur tightly hugging Tommy

He was patting his back gently, all the while my little grown up brother was bawling into his chest. It was a scene that would tug at anyones heart strings and I felt tears forming in my eyes as I watched them silently.

"You're okay." The nurse spoke while she got up and walked over to talk to Wilbur and Tommy grabbed a chair and pulled it next to the bed.

The room was once again silent except for the beeps of the monitors and Tommy's shaky breathing. I had to say something.

"Hey, I'm fine. See? I'm alive and almost well."

My voice was just as shaky and my throat was dry, causing the words to send me into a coughing fit.

After drinking a sip of the provided water, I spoke again.

"I don't know what happened, could someone recall it for me? Please?"

The nurse cleared her throat before speaking.

"Your parents are notified, but there is a large storm in Italy making them unable to come. They're fine, out of danger, but all flights to and from there are cancelled for at least a few days more."

She then exited the room quietly. I looked at my brother once again, then Wilbur who had pulled up another chair and sat down in it. He too, cleared his throat before he spoke.

"It's been three days, Y/n."

Sorry for the absence, I started hating this story a long time ago but I'm sick today and have nothing to do so I'm trying to get back into it once again. This is really not a happy chapter, but I have a plan for the story. Have a better day than mine, xx

604 words

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