Chapter forty-eight

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I'm on my first mission since healing from my injuries and this time I'm alone in doing this.

Nothing big just to hide and observe the border in hopes to find at least one of these half breeds lurking around somewhere. I could smell them since they have a distinct scent that stands out above everyone else's. That is if they chose to hide it which according to the stories over the many hundred years they can. But not this time.

The stream was enough to hide my scent from them when I caught two of them standing by a near by stream, talking about the time and then something about fighting with one another. But it mostly peaked my interest when I heard the shorter half breed out of the two mention something about twins.

Eyeing them from behind my rock I carefully watched the shorter man smile at the other, talking with fondness which makes me curious about his true meaning behind the word twins.

Growling was heard from a distance behind them. It caught their attention and without hesitation they both started to run towards the forest to go in deeper. I wanted to follow but it would be a great risk of me to even step foot across the stream. I'm not as strong as I should be right now.

But to hell with that.

I jumped over the bolder rock and took off quickly on my feet towards the forest where I followed the two half breeds but I heard more shouting to which made me jump up onto the nearest tree and swung onto the next branch to be even closer to the voices. Birching myself up on a strong branch to watch the chaos that was developing below.



I chuckled quietly seeing the shorter out of the group of them approach.

They started shouting at one another, then it got physically. What ever their problem is, this will definitely help in my kings master plan or for when he makes it. To know they're fighting with one another with be of great advantage, I know it already.

Still being as still as I could on this branch I made sure not to make a sound. Their hearing is quite impeccable but given they're distracted they wont notice me.

Picking up a scent of two female wolves coming towards the fighting half breeds pulling each other away from the other did I focus on my attention on the females. Noticing their scents were slightly different than they should be. Something more sweeter about their blood and I was picking up not only two extra heart beats but five?

The only way that could be possible is if these females are pregnant.

And one of them happened to be the half breeds mate.

The white haired, female wolf who also happens to be the girl my king wants.

He's either gonna be pissed she's pregnant or amused by the idea that she is.

Continuing to see the drama unfold I watched this girl, Y/n if I recall her name, scold them all like children before leaving again. But that didn't mean I didn't notice the way her stomach was becoming round and those extra two heart beats were coming from her.

So she's the one with the twins?

After she left I quickly made me way towards the stream again, swinging on the branches and bolting over the water before I'm found. I will be certain that if I'm caught I will be killed on sight, no questions asked but lucky for me I made it across the border and ran straight towards my kings land.

I have to tell him the update on Y/n's condition. It's important he knows.

Running as fast as I could, I eventually made it across the forest to the dark castle. I didn't need to wait for permission to get through the front gates as they opened upon seeing me come back from my mission. My king with be expecting me as I would only come back if I had news and I definitely do.

Quickly I moved on my feet towards the kings throne room where he spends most of his time.

In front of the large wooden doors I collected myself, brushed myself off of any dirt and fixed my hair before knocking firmly on the wood. Waiting for a response I rolled my shoulders back to crack my bones until I heard the kings loud voice boom from the other side of the door.

"ENTER!" King

I pushed the door open, stepping in and closed the large doors myself before scurrying towards my king sitting on his throne with his usual glass in his hand sipping on some blood.

"Your highness."

I bowed to him as I got down on one knee. He hummed at me and I heard him shuffle on his seat before he spoke again.

"Up and speak. I know you have something important to say." King

I nodded and stood back up on my two feet, boots side my side and my hands firmly by my sides as I stare back at him confidently.

"The half breeds and their mate Y/n is now out of mating season but it appears that the half breeds have been fighting a lot lately and Y/n is currently pregnant with twins."

My king raised a brow, lifting his chin up slightly as his red eyes looking back at me.

"Pregnant you say?" King

"Yes your majesty. I strongly believe she is but as I'm uncertain about which half breed would be the father, your highness."

I bowed my head out of respect again and heard him chuckle and stand up from his throne, gulping down the rest of his blood from his glass before throwing it across the room for it to shatter in the distance.

"This is perfect David!" King

I furrowed my brows at him, hearing him sound excited about this fact. I mean I knew it could of gone two ways but surprisingly I didn't expect him to sound this happy.

"It is sire?"

He nods and takes a large step towards me, grabbing my upper arms to shake me a little bit, grinning from ear to ear showing off his sharp fangs.

"It is and you know why?" King

I shook my head at him.

"No I don't, your majesty."

"Well then, let me enlighten you. We can now use Y/n's pregnancy as a rouse towards them half breeds. You know to get them to join us and show them that this side is the better side. I think they'll do anything protect their mate and their young. It's just perfect and once they're on my side, I can rid of them myself. It's that easy." King

He threw his head back, letting go of my arms and started to laugh loudly like a manic throughout the throne room. I just watched him unsure of that plan would work but I cant tell him that, it's my duty to go along with what he says.

So I nod and laugh along with him.

We'll see if the plan works or not. We'll see.

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