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Keith POV

Some info before we start:

Italics means the thoughts that they are having.

Bold means a POV switch between Pico and Keith. This can also mean a time skip.

This is the start of the actual story now, enjoy!


"Come on Keith!! We have to go to the shopping centre!" Cherry squealed in excitement.
"Uugghh... Do we have to...? We've been there 2 days ago..." I sighed, as if I was a little kid. Pico wouldn't do something like this, he would refuse to let me go even if I was the slightest bit tired.
"Are you trying to start an argument mister?! I am your girlfriend and you are supposed to give me whatever I want!! That's how relationships work!!" Cherry screamed, making me flinch. I hate being shouted, it always makes me flinch and cry. Cherry came close to my face and extended her hand and gave me a huge slap, making me moan in pain. Cherry walked on with sass and I followed behind, starting to form tears in my eyes.

"Pico... Why am I so stupid...? Why did I have to end things with you..." I whispered to myself, mentally punching myself. Happy memories of me and Pico started to flood in. Laughing together, smiling with each other... It just takes one guy with blue hair to ruin it all...
"Come on you blue haired baby, we're here!" Cherry said coincidentally. All I did was sigh and walked faster, eventually catching up to Cherry.

It was torture. We went to about 5 different clothes stores and was being picked dry of my wallet.
"Ok I think that's enough... Let's go home!!" Cherry squealed, giving me a kiss on the cheek. I couldn't understand this woman, one second she's arguing to me about what shoes she likes but the the next second, she's giving me kisses. Cherry's kisses didn't satisfy me though, they felt forced. The only person who could make me happy was Pico. The way he kissed me, hugged me, just Pico in total. Why did I have to break up with him?!?! I'm so stupid!! Pico... I miss you... I thought to myself, tearing up at my own thoughts.

I was too busy thinking about Pico that I hadn't realized that we were home. I groaned quietly to myself in discomfort as I entered the house.
"Princess!! You're back!!" Daddy dearest yelled, running over to hug her.
"Where's mommy?" Cherry asked. No one even acknowledged that I was here. Pico would attack me with kisses when I came home.
"She's taking a nap pumpkin... Come on, she made us dinner so let's eat!" Daddy dearest said while taking Cherry's hand, leading her to the table. All I did was sigh and walk upstairs into our bedroom.

I stated to think up of something. An idea, an escape from this hellhole.
What if I run away?!?! I thought to myself.
"No one will notice... No one loves me anyways... Except Pico... Although he probably doesn't after I broke up with him..." I said to myself. This was one of my habits, talking to myself. I started to cry again, another habit of mine, because I missed Pico. I was stupid and naive back then, just following the money.
"Pico... I need you..." I cried to myself. I walked up to the mirror that was in the room, and looked at myself. I stroked my natural blue hair, trying to fix it after a long day at the shopping centre. More memories started to flood in of Pico. The way he stroked my hair...

"What do I do without you...? Do I try and find you when I run away?" I asked into the mirror, as if Pico was there.
Ok... That does it!! Today, at night, I'm going to pack a suitcase and fucking run!!! Being homeless is better than this... I thought to myself, almost screaming it out loud.
"What are you doing, leaning on my makeup table?!?" Cherry screamed, bursting into the room. I looked down to see that it was a makeup table, full of... Makeup stuff.
"I w-was uhhhhh..." I stuttered, trying to think up of an excuse. I backed away from the table and flopped onto the bed.
"There's some important stuff in here!!" Cherry squealed, running over to the makeup table. She frantically checked the drawers for damage but luckily I wasn't that stupid.
"I swear if anything is destroyed..." Cherry whispered to herself, still checking her many drawers.
Do women really need that much makeup?! I thought to myself as Cherry opened drawer after drawer.
"I didn't touch anything..." I managed to beep out, scared that she might snap my wrist for no reason. Cherry made an angry groan and stormed out the room.

*Time skip to nighttime when everyone is asleep*

Now was the perfect time to run. Everyone was asleep so I carefully got our of bed and grabbed my suitcase. I started to pack different things: money, a lighter, my wallet, my phone, my passport and a photo of me and Pico that I secretly kept. But most importantly, I packed my microphone. I was really passionate about rapping so I packed it and a few other things. I put on my shoes and walked out the bedroom door.

It was a struggle carrying my suitcase down the stairs but eventually I made it. I grabbed my black coat from the coat rack and searched for the keys. Daddy dearest was always bad at hiding things. He hid the keys behind the flower pot, next to the front door, never changing the place where he hid them. I took them and unlocked the door. I didn't even bother to write a note to Cherry, I just walzted right out of there. I didn't look back and had no intention to. I just kept running and running but on the way I scraped my arm on a branch. I let out a loud cry in the excruciating pain but kept running. This is what it felt like, to run away and feel forgotten.

Cold, bruised and tired, I ran into an alleyway, needing to regain my strength. I kept walking and found lots of colourful graffiti of different shapes.
"Picooo... Where are you....?" I moaned out of breath, coming to my senses. I realized that my body was not okay and that I was going to pass out if I didn't take a rest. The alleyway looked like it belonged to someone but I was very tired so I propped my suitcase against a wall and practically collapsed onto the floor.
"Hey little blue dude... You... okay?" Someone said. Their voice sounded like broken thrift shop guitar and made jump up in fear. I looked to my left and saw a tall, lanky figure. I grabbed my suitcase in one hand and whimpered in fear.
"Please don't hurt me..." I whimpered, shaking in fear.
"Hey, relax buddy! I'm friendly! My name is Whitty and welcome to my home!!" Whitty said, revealing himself in the light. He was a literal walking bomb, wearing a cyan hoodie and brown trousers. He extended his hand and I cautiously shaked his hand.

"Wanna tell me why you're here...? I mean... You're technically trespassing!" Whitty chuckled. He was a really nice guy or... Bomb should I say. He started a fire and gave me a blanket to warm me up.
"I'm... trying to find someone..." I blurted out, still shivering.
"You don't really look like it!" Whitty said, lightly chuckling after.
"Okay... I ran away from my abusive girlfriend... And I'm trying to find my ex-boyfriend..." I said, becoming warmer.
"Running away huh...? Me too... I'm assuming you can't go to your parents house either..." Whitty said, looking down at the ground.
"No.... they'll kill me if I go back..." I whimpered. An awkward silence filled the air. Whitty kept gaze at the ground while I tried to regain myself. Ifelt warmer and safe in this alleyway but I needed to find Pico. I needed to apologize to him even if it's the last thing I do.

"Listen kid... I would say you can stay here... But you can't..." Whitty finally said, breaking the silence.
"I was actually going to say the same thing... I need to find him..." I said, taking the blanket off me. I grabbed my suitcase and stood up.
"Hey! I would really like to rap battle you some time!!" Whitty suddenly blurted out while I was walking away. I smiled at the thought of battling Whitty so I nodded to him.
"Sure, I'll battle you sometime!" I said, waving to Whitty. He waved back and I turned around, setting out to find Pico.

I was walking for quite a while, maybe 10 minutes or an hour. I didn't keep track of time but I was quite tired and reached an abandoned train station.
Maybe I'll rest here for the night... I thought to myself. I walked into the train station but something felt off. This all felt familiar to me, as if I've been here before. I pushed it aside and tried to find a good place to rest.

(Guys please bare me if the chapters come out slow! Just really unmotivated at the moment because I lost a book with 50K reads. Also please don't attack me for making Cherry evil!!!)

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