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Okay listen I can explain-

I can't. I have no idea why this took so long but here you go, the next chapter!

⚠️ Warning!!⚠️

Blood (only a little)


Pico POV

I carried Keith down like a baby and gave him kisses as I placed him on the couch. I looked at him to see him all cheered up and smiling.
"You look so cute babe..." I said, giving him a kiss.
"You look cute too baby!" Keith smiled. I didn't really expect to be called 'cute' back so I blushed hard.
"U-uh J-just stay here! I need to have a word with Nene..." I stuttered while flustered. Keith smiled and nodded cutely which almost made my heart explode.

I went into the kitchen to find an open fridge but no Nene. I looked to see if she's in the garden but no, she was no where to be seen.

"So you're telling me..." I started. "This bitch came into MY house to scare MY Keith, take one of my DAMN BEERS AND LEAVE?!?!" I shouted at the wall, taking my gun out of my holster.
"Are you okay Pico?" Keith asked, concerned.
"I'm fine blueberry!!" I said through gritted teeth.

I needed to shoot something.


I looked around for anything moving and that's when I saw a mouse trying to get through the doorway with no success. It was so helpless but so easy to shoot.

Without thinking, I snapped my aim onto the mouse and shot all the bullets in my magazine into the mouse. I shot it so many times that I managed to create a little pool of blood.
"FUCK YOU!!!!" I shouted at helpless corpse of a dead mouse.
"PICO?!?!" Keith screamed from the living room, hearing the shots and screaming.

Keith POV

I ran over to the kitchen scared that my fire-boy was hurt but I was relieved to see that he wasn't.
"What happened Pico?" I asked, still concerned. He was breathing heavily and his body was shaking in anger but he calmed down once he saw me.
"Just a mouse I shot..." He grumbled, looking away slightly.
"Does that mean you have shout 'Fuck you!' at it?!" I said, sounding like a parent. I gagged at the sight of the dead mouses corpse as Pico kept on breathing heavily.
"Okay, I got angry that Nene just casually left after scaring you to death like that and THEN I shot the mouse!" Pico growled. He was still angry so he grabbed a plate and almost smashed it on the floor.

"Pico don't drop that!" I said, grabbing his face and making him look at me. I could feel him calming down as he stopped shaking. His expression changed from angry to guilt.
"I-I..." Pico tried to say but couldn't. I took Pico into a hug and made sure he was okay. I grabbed the plate off of his hand and put it down.
"Nene tried to-"
"Ssssshhhhh... Don't let your anger take control of you. One day you might hurt yourself and I don't wanna have to go through that! Or even worse, you might kill someone! I don't wanna see some dead body in my kitchen!" I explained to him in a soft voice.
"Your kitchen?" Pico said in a weak voice because of the yelling.
"Hey! Who does the cooking here?!" I said in a jokingly annoyed voice. Pico chuckled and I took him to the couch in the living room.
"Stay here while I clean up your mess, okay fire-boy?" I said while rubbing his cheek. He nodded and I gave him kiss before I disappeared into the kitchen.

Cherry always made me clean up things that weren't even my mess so I was kinda used to this. I put on some gloves and threw the dead mouse in the bin. I grabbed a wet cloth and started to wipe down the blood.

After I was done cleaning up the blood, I washed my hand, threw away the gloves and sat next to Pico. I rested my head on his lap and he started to give me head rubs.
"You know how you said you would be angry if you saw a dead body in the kitchen?" Pico asked. I replied with a suspicious 'mhmm' while I squinted my eyes at him.
"Would you be angry if it was Cherry's body?" Pico asked, tensing up as he said her name.
"I would be angry at you for leaving it on my kitchen floor..." I said bluntly. Pico chuckled at my comment and continued stroking my hair.

Lost Without You | Pico X Keith/BoyfriendOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora