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This chapter is basically Pico comforting Keith after Nene brutally scares him...

Short chapter, I know, but this definitely isn't the last! More chapters coming soon!


Keith POV

I couldn't tell if it was over or not. All the screaming and the warning shots only made me more scared. Scared that today was going to be the end of me. I stayed under my blanket and sobbed, begging for it all to be over.

Just as I was gathering to courage to go check outside to see if Pico was alright, I heard the door slam open which made me jump a little bit.

"Keith, it's all okay now!!" Pico said, as I heard the door to our room open. I slowly peaked over the blanket, eyes blurred with tears, and saw Pico with his gun. Surprisingly, he wasn't covered in blood.

"It was just Nene being a stupid bitch and an asshole..." Pico growled, holding me close. I hugged him tight as if he was my teddy bear and sobbed even more into his t-shirt.
"Hey, it's okay now... I'm here now..." Pico whispered, putting his Uzi aside.
He stroked my hair and gave me light pecks on my forehead.

"I-I'm s-sorry..." I sobbed. I thought me crying made things worse and made me look weak. I thought Pico might've left me by now because of how much I was crying.
"For what?" Pico asked, still stroking my hair.
"I-I d-don't know... I thought that y-you might've left me by now b-because of how w-weak I am for crying... o-or dumped me for s-someone else..." I sobbed, overthinking way too much.

"Listen here Keith..." Pico started, adjusting our position so we were more comfortable. "First of all, I would never leave you. You're the most best person to ever exist and if anything... I'm lucky to have you! And no... You're not weak. You're the most strongest person for letting out your feelings. You also made the tough decision to run away from Cherry!"

I was shocked more than anything. I didn't think he would still love me after crying over some dumb prank and dumping him over some stupid pennies.
"R-Really? P-pico I-I..." I stuttered, unable to find the words for myself. "I love you so much Pico..." I said, crying tears of joy and melting into his arms again.

"I love you too Blueberry... And I'll never stop loving you, understand?" Pico said, making me kneel on the bed and putting his hands on my shoulders. I smiled and nodded, melting into Pico's arms again.

"Now come on, I still have a word or two to give to Nene..." Pico growled.

(459 words)

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