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Pico POV

"PICOOOO!!!" Keith shrieked in the most distressed voice I have ever heard.
"I HAVE A ROCKET LAUNCHER THAT I CAN SHOVE UP YOUR ASS!!!!" I yelled, practically jumping up in my bed. I thought someone broke into my house and tried to rob us until I looked to my left and saw Keith looking at me with the most worried face I've ever seen.
"Keith?! You okay Blueberry?!?" I asked worried, wrapping my arms around him trying to reassure.
"I-I'm s-sorry for waking you up... i-it was just a bad dream..." Keith whimpered, trying to fight back tears.
"You don't have to say sorry to me baby..." I whispered back, kissing him on the neck. Keith started to lightly sobbed on my shoulder while I kept rubbing his back.
"B-but I-I just w-woke you up...! Are you not gonna h-hit me...?" Keith sobbed, making my t-shirt wet.
"What do you mean...?" I asked, confused as first. It took me a while to realize but when I did, my eyes widened.
"Fucking Cherry... I'll murder her with my bare hands!!!" I yelled out, Keith still sobbing. My anger for Cherry burned even more once I learned that Cherry used to hit him.

"Keith, listen to me..." I whispered, cupping his cheeks and making look at me. I wiped his tears away with thumb while he kept crying.
"I will never hurt my baby and no one will ever hurt you, okay? I never want you to think about Cherry ever again..." I said to Keith, wiping his face from any tears that came down.
"O-okay... I-I want a hug..." He whimpered, calming down.
"Of course..." I said, pulling him closer for a hug. We both lied down and cuddled each other until Keith fell asleep in my arms.

I woke several hours later, feeling super disappointed as I woke up from a wet dream (too early for smut!! Have a big ball of fluff instead!). I glanced at the alarm clock and it read: 11:44.
"Did we really sleep for that long?!" I whispered out loud. My eyes were blurry but when they cleared, I saw Keith fast asleep. His snores sounded cute and it was enough to make my heart melt on the spot. I shifted even closer to Keith and started to admire him.
"You're so cute Keith... Your soft, blue hair..." I whispered, stroking his blue hair.
"Like an angel fallen from heaven..." I said, giving him a kiss on the nose.

Half an hour later, Keith slowly opened his eyes. I didn't notice however because I was on my phone.
"Hey Pico..." Keith said in a hot morning voice.
"Huh? Oh, hey Keith, sleep good?" I said, turning off my phone.
"U-uhhmm... Yeah I did..." Keith said. He rubbed his eyes to clear his vision and I came closer to his face. We both smiled at each other.
"You're so fucking cute Keith..." I whispered, repeating myself from last time. It was like I was hypnotized, I couldn't stop staring into his black eyes.

Keith then suddenly saddled and layed on top of me like a cat. We both stared into each other's eyes and I started to finally appreciate life a little.
"Gimme a kiss..." Keith whined, being very needy. I immediately grabbed Keith's neck and pulled him in for a passionate kiss. Keith let out another needy whine so I flipped him around so that I was on top of him. I was careful not to crush under my body and I kept attacking his mouth. I pulled out, making a heavy gasp for air but Keith immediately pulled me back into another kiss. Saliva went everywhere inside our mouths as we kept kissing. It turned into a make-out session as we kept on kissing.
"M-more..." Keith managed to mumble out, almost acting very slutty.

A good 2 minutes of making out later, we  both pulled out. Keith was back on top of me somehow and we were both giggling at each other.
"Mornings will be so much more fun with you Pico..." Keith said, wiping his mouth.
"Heh... You can say that again..." I said, giving him a mini slap to his side. Keith let out another giggle and sat on my stomach area.
"You still need to recover so let's just be lazy today." I explained. Suddenly Keith made a really big excited gasp and a squeal, making me confused.
"Can we order pizza?! Can we, can we, can we?!?!" Keith said, bouncing up and down.
"Only for you my big baby..." I said, pulling him into another hug.

(Sorry for the long wait! It's kinda hard to balance 2 books at once so yeah... Check out my other Pico X Keith oneshots book!)

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