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Keith POV

Nowhere to run, nowhere to hide, no one to talk to. Every second without Pico hurt me inside.
"Pico... Where are you...?" I called out with a tired voice. I walked around the train station for a while, trying to find a place to spend the night until I was stopped by someone. He put his hand and pushed me back, almost making me fall over. It definitely wasn't Pico though, he had a blue shirt on and a violet tie around his neck. He looked really messy as his shirt wasn't even tucked in and his tie wasn't even around his neck properly. He held me back, making me struggle to get past him. I looked up to see him smirking at me, like some evil villain.
"Now what's a cute guy like you wandering around these areas? These parts are dangerous you know?" The guy said. He was so well spoken, pronouncing every word and every letter as if he grew up in a private school.
"Listen you... Weirdo, it's none of your business so if you could let me pass, that would be great." I said with an angry tone. Too many people held me back from Pico and some teenage hooligan isn't going to stop me.
"I have a name you know! The name is Senpai and you have no right to call me a 'weirdo'! You-" The guy said, before I interrupted him.
"I didn't ask for your name!! STOP ACTING LIKE A SNOWFLAKE AND LET ME FUCKING PASS BEFORE I MAKE YOU BEG FOR MERCY!!! I'VE BEEN ABUSED ENOUGH ALREADY!!!" I snapped, completely done with this guy's bullshit. All I saw was red, no one was going to stop me from finding Pico. The guy's expression turned from angry to scared in a matter of seconds and it almost made me laugh. I walked on by, feeling proud of myself that I can show my true colours. I felt free, that I could do anything but I still needed to find Pico.

This feeling wouldn't go away, it was almost speaking to me. Pico was somewhere here in this abandoned train station, I just knew it.

Pico POV

"... ABUSED ENOUGH ALREADY!!!" A familiar voice shouted. I was smoking another medicinal herb, trying to take Keith out of my mind, until that voice reminded me of him.
"K-Keith...?" I whispered to myself. I tried to deny myself, thing up of many reasons but I just couldn't. Somehow I was Keith was here, somehow I was being given a second chance. I dropped my smoke and imediately went to try and find him. He sounded close by, almost like he's around the corner. Eyes filled with tears, I desperately searched around the station.

I kept searching and searching for Keith. It wasn't my mind playing tricks, it was definitely his voice. I looked everywhere in the train station, I knew the whole layout of the train station like it was on the back of my hand so I thought it would be easy finding him. I was wrong, everywhere I looked he just wasn't anywhere.

"KEITH?!?! WHERE ARE YOU?!?" I called out, hoping he would respond back.
"B-beep... P-pico..." Keith replied with a weak voice, sounding close by. He was right around the corner! I turned around the corner to see him, all weak and tired. He looked up and saw me with half open eyes almost lighting up until...


Keith collapsed on the spot and fell on top of his suitcase. Wasting no time, I carried Keith with my right arm and his suitcase in my left hand and ran home. He was shaking violently in the cold, passed out in my arm. He had a really noticeable red mark on his face, most likely a slap mark, and an untreated cut on his left arm.
"What have you been doing Keith?!" I whispered to Keith, as if he could hear me. Keith's body was giving in and clearly needed me.

I bursted inside my house and put Keith on the couch in my living room. He kept shaking in the cold and in pain so I went to get a blanket. I grabbed a blanket from my room and covered Keith with it. His breathing was unusual and his arm kept bleeding. I ran into the kitchen to grab a first aid kit (yes Pico is a nurse leave me alone okay?!) and ran back to Keith.

I rolled up his sleeve and instantly gasped at the cut. It was a 2 inch long cut but it kept bleeding profusely. I grabbed a cotton bud and wiped all the blood around the cut. Next, I grabbed the anesthetic to soften the pain. (I'm not a doctor but I think that's how that works?)
"This may sting a little, okay Blueberry?" I warned Keith, steadying his arm. I poured a little on his cut, making him whimper.
"Sorry!" I said to Keith, putting the bottle away. I grabbed a thread and a needle to suture his wound.
"I'm gonna need you to stay still, okay Keithy?" I told him, giving him a little kiss on his arm. Keith gave a little moan in pain, as if he tried to reply in his passed-out state.

I began to stitch his cut gently but Keith started to whimper and twitch in pain, making it harder for me to stitch his wound.
"Calm down Keith! It's okay... I'm trying to fix you...!" I whispered to Keith. I continued quickly but gently to give Keith the least pain. I finished and bit the thread off and put the first aid kit away.
"You're very lucky I found you Keith..." I whispered to him, giving a kiss of reassurance on his forehead. Keith slightly smiled but imediately went back to a face of discomfort.
"P-pico..." He mumbled out. I sat down next to him, putting his head on my lap, and slightly teared up at Keith's state.
"Why did you come out all this way to find me...? A question for when you wake up I guess..." I said, tears blocking my vision. I slowly dozed off to sleep, feeling relieved that Keith was safe.

(This took a bloody while to write! Probs because I'm so lazy but whatever... Finally found some motivation to actually write so expect some more chapters soon!)

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