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Just fluff and smut mate.

Also quick thing, Darnell and Nene are all bestest friends with Keith and Pico. You could call them family.

Anyways I hope you enjoy!


Keith POV

I woke up feeling a little sluggish after what happened earlier today. I looked to my left and saw Pico cutely snoring away with his arms around my waist. I gave him a little kiss and laid myself back down. Pico made a groan sound and pulled me close to him, making me giggle.

A while later, Pico started giving me kisses on my neck.
"Pico... I wanna get up..." I mumbled, still a little bit tired.
"No." He bluntly said, pinning me down onto the bed with him on top of me. He looked at me, biting his lip.

"H-hey Pico~" I said nervously, with obvious red cheeks.
"You look extra cute when your shy..." Pico softly said. His voice was enough to melt me into a puddle but then he went in for a kiss. The way gently felt thigh, next to my area made my dick rise.

This soft kissing session lasted for a minute more before he pulled out.
"Now do you wanna wake up honey?" He asked calmly. These names that he were calling me were making me feel warm inside my chest. I nodded to him and he got off me, letting me do my usual thing.

A few minutes later, I was lying my head on Pico's head watching TV. His phone rang which brought my attention to it.
"What do you want...? You don't have anything else better to do, you bitch?" He said to whoever was on the phone.

He got off it a little while later.
"It was Nene, she's coming over in like 2 hours to 'go somewhere fun'" Pico said, making quotation marks with his hands.
"Oh, that sounds exciting!" I said, sitting up.
"Yeah, but we do have some time to kill... A lot of time..." Pico said, scooting up to me, feeling around my thigh.
"Well I mean that is true... But your only turning me on just little bit!" I said, teasing him.

"Oh don't worry, I know exactly how to turn you on~" The wildly horny ginger said. He started to kiss my sensitive neck while feeling my bulge making me softly moan.
"See?" He said while still feeling my bulge while it grew bigger as my dick got harder.
"O-okay okay... M-maybe you're turning me on a lot..." I struggled to say while moaning.
"Let's take this this to the bed... I wanna pound you baby~"  Pico said, horny off of his mind. And now I was super horny as well, so he carried me bridal style and carried me to our room.

He put me down on the bed on my knees so my ass was up facing him. He slowly took off my trousers, revealing my naked ass. Pico then took off his own trousers and didn't waste time to put lube on his hard dick.

He put some on my throbbing hole and started to put one finger in me. And then another... And then another... With three fingers in me, I was moaning with lust and desperation for Pico to put it in me already.
"HaAH PiCo!! Please I need you right now!!" I was able to moan out.
"Whatever you say love~" He said in a gentle voice.

Pico lined his hard cock with my entrance and proceeded to slowly thrust inside me, making let out long moan relief. It felt like it's been years since we last even though had our last session a few days ago.

He leaned down and kissed my neck, speeding up his thrusts a bit. I couldn't help myself from moaning. It was like my body was about to explode out of pure love.
"You're so fucking beautiful Keith~" he moaned softly into my ear.

He flipped me over so I could see his face and all I could feel right now was love for Pico.
"I love you Pico~ I love you so much..." I moaned out, leading him to kissing me.

After a while I felt the need to cum so I moaned out even more, barely able to speak a word. I closed my eyes and let myself explode, feeling warm cum on my chest. Not even two seconds after, Pico came inside me as well, kissing my neck.
He stood up and pulled out of me.
"Fuck you're so beautiful Keith..." Pico moaned out in relief.
"Come on, let's have a shower." I said, being picked up again.

We then had a showed and aggressively cuddled with each other on the couch until the front door opened...
"Y'all bitches just keep your door unlocked...?" A familiar voice questioned which startled me.
"Shit did I forget to lock the door?" Pico responded.
"Hehe... Perfect blackmail material..." Another familiar voice said followed by what sounded like a camera click. I turned around to see Nene and Darnell, already making themselves at home. I got off of Pico's lap and sat on the couch.
"Where is the 'thing' that we're going to exactly?" Pico asked Darnell, who sat down next to Pico.
"I don't know. Pink bitch hasn't even told me..." Darnell said. I looked around the room to see Nene walk up the stairs, maybe for some more 'blackmail material'.

"Oh yeah blue bitch! Oh wait your hair is pink now... Pink bitch!! What's up man, I haven't you in ages!" Darnell said, giving me a high five.
"Yeah it's all good! Just a crazy ex-girlfriend is all..." I explained.
"Ah I heard... Well, just know if she even touches my favourite pairing, us 3 will make sure she won't see the sunrise ever again." Darnell said while Pico gave out a chuckle. I gave him a smile of approval. It's nice to know that my best friends really care for me.

"Y'all can just hang out for a bit! This bitch ass 'thing' won't start in like an hour and a half! Delayed ass fucker..." Nene shouted from upstairs.
"Alright!" Pico responded while turning on the TV.

"Breaking news! Local McDonald's was just set on fire and the police are still trying to find out who did it while the restaurant favoured by many is being swiftly rebuilt." The news reporter said, rambling on some more. Me and Pico both gave smirks to Darnell.
"What? They wouldn't sell me ice-cream!" Darnell said in a jokingly innocent voice.
"Ma boy!" Pico approved while I laughed and Darnell gave us both high fives. Darnell always had a thing for setting things on fire.

"Did you two just fuck recently?!" Nene shouted.

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