Still Crying In The Night--- Part Two

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"Fancy to see you," Stevie jests; picking up Sara from her bassinet.

"It's only been an hour since mommy fed you," Stevie's voice trails off, after she had stared into Sara's blue eyes--- That were staring up into Stevie's eyes.

"Let's walk around, huh? --- If mommy still remembers how to walk," Jested Stevie; Referring to how tired she is.

Stevie quietly checks up on Lily, to see if she's still breathing.

Then Stevie makes her way to the hallway; Where she is met by Christine.

"Oh, hey. I hope that the girls haven't kept you up," Stevie sighs softly, as she is bouncing Sara in her arms.

"No, don't be silly," Christine's voice trails off, as she bites down on her bottom lip.

"Chris?" Stevie tilts her head to the side, knowing that Christine isn't being all that truthful.

"Okay... Just a tad," Christine smiles, while gazing down at Sara in Stevie's arms.

"But, my morning sickness has now gotten worse, Stevie," Christine pouts, while rustling Sara's dark curls.

"Chris... I know that I was too stubborn to admit that I had needed something to help with my nausea. Though, there's no reason for you to not accept something that will help you," Stevie mentions.

Christine just shrugs her shoulders in response.

"Chris, I didn't want to take anything, because I was afraid to. I know that it would have merely helped, and that I wasn't going to get addicted to it--- But there's always that thought lingering in the back of my mind, you know," Stevie sighs, then clicks her tongue.

"But you don't have to worry about getting addicted, Chris," Said Stevie, as she places her hand on Christine's shoulder.

"With the way I've been feeling?! I just may," Christine said half-jokingly, as she chuckles.

"I just hate to watch you suffer like this," Stevie inhales, then exhales, as Christine nods.

"Yeah. You are right, Stevie... Besides, it'll help to turn me back into the lively and vibrant woman I normally am," She said, as she comically shrugs her shoulders.

"In the meantime--- May I hold this little nightbird?" Christine exclaims, gesturing towards Sara; Who is just cooing contentedly in her mother's arms, while staring at everything around her.

"Of course you may," Stevie grins widely.

Stevie passes Sara to Christine, as Christine's eyes well up with tears.

"Hey, beautiful girl," Said Christine in a soft voice; Her voice breaking a little.

"I'm completely and utterly in love with you--- I mean it," Christine said, as she stifles a slight chuckle.

Christine makes a perplexed expression, then comically shrugs her shoulders, while emitting a scoff.

"And no, it's not my hormones speaking," Christine averts her gaze to Stevie, as Stevie chuckles in response.

"It's 100 percent true. Also, I will kick anyone's a--- Butt---" Christine catches herself.

"Thank you," Stevie jests.

"I will kick anyone's butt to the curb, if they ever hurt you," Said Christine with fervor, as Sara just stares at Christine with a perplexed expression written on her face.

"She's listening," Spoke Stevie in a soft voice, as Christine chuckles.

"Of course. Sara and I are very close, Stevie---" Christine said with a grin, as Danica walks into the hallway; While rubbing the sleep out of her eyes.

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