Dreams .... Do Come True

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This is now set in 2019— Stevie is 39 years old, as Lindsey is 37. 💖

Stevie is now 29 weeks, and 1 day pregnant.

Christine left during the end of the "Dance" tour (which took place in 2011), and didn't rejoin the band until the "On With The Show" tour— Which had taken place from 2017-2018.

Chris was gone from 'Fleetwood Mac' for a total of Five and a half years...  'Tusk' and 'Mirage' were recorded in consecutive years.


May 14th, 2019!

"Stephanie Lynn Nicks... I've always known you were hot, but.... W-w-wow!" Lindsey exclaims, as his mouth had dropped.

"I know," Stevie laughs, as she shakes, making her boobs and stomach jiggle all over.

"Alright, now you have to stop it. Or else I will take you right here and now, and we're supposed to be at dinner— Right about now actually," Lindsey said, after checking his watch, then wrapping his arms around Stevie, and pulling her close to him.

"Stupid restaurant politics," Stevie said, referring to the reservation that they had made at the restaurant.

"But... Let's go before you get too hungry," Lindsey laughs.

"You're sick, Buck.. You should be very thankful that you're so damn hot... You are dorky, and sick; But hot... So totally gorgeous and hot," Stevie said, placing her hands on Lindsey's chest, playing with his chest hair, and breathing hot air into his face.

"You want to make a later reservation?" Lindsey questions.

"God yes," Stevie replies so fast, as she wraps her legs as best as she could around his waist, and Lindsey scoops her up and gently puts her back down on that infamous mattress with coverlets, and a lamp, paper flowers, and what seems like a million burning scented candles all around.


"That, that, t-that was—"

"Mm," Stevie softly whispers into Lindsey's ear, as Lindsey turns to look into her big brown eyes.

"I.. I love you," He said, as he kisses her lips, and gently bites down on them, to tease her.

"I'm hungry... Let's go," Stevie sighs.

"Have sex again? Okay!" Lindsey excitedly said, as he gets up on top of Stevie, and grins wide, grabbing her breasts in one hand, and stroking his other hand up and down on her hips .

"No... Not that kind of hungry... Greedy," Stevie laughs, as Lindsey gives her a disappointed face.

"Grumpy," She retorts.

Lindsey gets off the mattress, and holds out his hand to help Stevie up. "Don't get me wrong, Steph... I love Chris, Johnny and Mick, but... It's nice to—"

"To have some alone time?" Stevie giggles, knowing exactly what he had meant; As Lindsey gazes deeply into her eyes.

"Yes.. Steph?! Stevie.. Stephanie?" Lindsey said with a bright eyes.

"Yes?! My gentlemen caller," Stevie said in a Blanche Dubois accent, as they are holding hands, gazing deeply into the other's eyes.

She biting down on her lip, his eyes fixated on her soul.

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