This Could Take Awhile

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Before I start this chapter, I just want to say that my heart is with those who lost their loved ones; As well as all of those thousands of lives who were lost on that day of.... 9/11...   💔

*One week later*

Stevie and Lindsey have kept in contact with Helen, but haven't visited her office to discuss the matter of filing for adoption. There's some hurdles that they have to jump through, prior to filing for adoption, since they've given up their parental rights of Danica.

"Hi. Nice to see you two, again," Helen said, as Stevie and Lindsey walk into her office.

"Please. Sit down," She said as they listen to her, as they proceed to sit down.

"Alright... Now I've looked through the files of the adoption, and I understand that you went with an independent adoption," She said.

"Yes.. That's right," Stevie said, as she  sighs. "We chose to go through with an independent adoption, because... We all knew that this was definite. A decision that was very much mutual. Lindsey and I both... We—" Stevie said, beginning to tear up, as Lindsey put his hand on her knee.

"We knew that this decision was for the best interest of the child. and I— I have.. As much as it hurt to give her up, it was... The right thing to do... We weren't ready... Sorry," Stevie exclaims, wiping away tears from her face.

"No, it's fine... I'm a mother, so—" Helen said, as she looks into Stevie's eyes.

"You loved your unborn child enough, to give her to someone else. That's... One of the most selfless things that any woman could do.." She smiles.

"Thank you," Stevie said in almost a whisper, as she looks down.

"So... How does this work?! Can we meet Danica?! Or do we have to go through a screening process, prior to meeting her?! Or do we have temporary guardianship right away?!" Lindsey questions.

As he just wants to meet his daughter. Stevie and Lindsey haven't seen Danica since she had turned one. Jo and Dale didn't move away from California, but it was just too hard for Stevie to see Danica.. She didn't not love her, or didn't want to not see her. It was just because she had loved her so much, and every time she saw her face, a part of her felt like it died.

"Actually, no... This case is quite different than most cases.... Since you have previously terminated your rights as her parents, but.. That doesn't mean you can't not gain temporary guardianship of Danica. You just have to take a few steps prior to getting a court date, to see if he thinks that you're suitable," Helen explains, as Stevie and Lindsey both emit a sigh.

"I understand... What's the first step? We're ready," Lindsey immediately said, once Helen finished. Eliciting a small smile from Stevie.

"Well, you both have to be interviewed by me.. Which we can either do today, or—"

"Today. If that works best for you. We're wide open," Stevie said, as Lindsey stares at her with love in his eyes, as he squeezes her hand.

"Alright.. Will 2:00 work?" She questions.

"Yes," They both simultaneously said, as Helen smiles. "2:00 sharp it is, then," She nods.

"There's a few more steps after the interview... There's a home study, which is essentially an assessment to see if you're suitable to take care of the child," Helen continues.

"Okay, next," Stevie said.


"Chris! Can you come over, please?! I need to talk to you.." Stevie exclaims.

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