Chapter 12: Terminus of Honor

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A/n: Turn on caption in the video if you don't understand the lyrics :v

Izuku: It's over... Caster is defeated.

He said, looking at the river where Caster is defeated.

Irisviel: Yes.

Izuku: Now that we have defeated Caster, what happens next, Ms. Irisviel?

Irisviel: I don't know.

Izuku: The other Servants have already left and we're the only one remaining here. And... Caster's Master...

Irisviel: ...

Izuku: Mr. Kiritsugu...killed him, right? Ms. Irisviel.

Irisviel: Yes...

Izuku: ...I see.

He frowned. He doesn't know what to react at what Irisviel said. Caster's Master have done cruel things and Kiritsugu puts an end to his misery. Midoriya thinks that he deserved it for killing many children as he deeply sighed.

Izuku: Can I even save everyone here...?



The three of them are now at the car and Saber is the one driving the vehicle. Midoriya looks at the window and see the bright moon up in the sky.

Izuku: It's been so long and I miss all of them... Mom, All might, Mr. Aizawa, Togata-senpai, Eri, my friends, everyone.

He thought, remembering the times that he had spent together with his friends and his battles against the villains.

Izuku: I wonder. What's happening in my world when I was sent here...? Maybe this could be just a dream.



Somewhere at an abandoned building, Lancer can be seen kneeling down and in front of him was his former Master, Kayneth El-Melloi Archibald who is now sitting on his wheelchair.

Kayneth: You incompetent fool! You're useless and all talk! You couldn't even protect a single woman? Hmph, that's some fine chivalry right there!

Lancer: I am extremely sorry.

Kayneth: A temporary substitute she may be, but it doesn't change that fact that you failed to protect your own Master! What good are you as a Servant? I'm amazed you had the nerve to return here alone!

Lancer: I am afraid, my lord, that Lady Sola-Ui and I never had a proper contract. We could now sense each other's presence.

Kayneth: That's all the more reason to be extra careful!

Lancer: But my lord, Lady Sola-Ui still lives. She continues to supply me with mana.

Kayneth: So what?! Who cares about that when you can't even discern her location because you're not properly her Servant?! Sola-Ui, I shouldn't have given you those Command Spells.

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