Chapter 15 : Showdown

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Morris ran a few traffic lights to reach the trailer park, by then it was filled with people, all gathering around Kelly's trailer.

Kelly and Garrison stood twenty yards apart, with hands at their hips, a touch away from their sidearm.

"Shit!" Morris ran out the car, breaking his path through the bystanders.

In a split of a second, Kelly drew her personal sidearm, a Glock 43, held it arms straight with both hands and fired. Simultaneously, Garrison pulled out her Single Action Army revolver, squeeze the trigger and slamming down the hammer like an old western.

Bullets flew across the air and missing each woman by inches, striking the beer bottles behind them. Behind Kelly, all three bottles exploded, behind Garrison, one remained unharmed.

"Drink up!" the cowgirl laughed, twirled her revolver expertly and dropped it back in the holster.

"Again?" Kelly whined, placing her gun and walked across the field, picked up the unharmed bottle and began drinking.

The crowd cheered thunderously, Garrison snatched a bottle from the big drinking Jamaican.

"Semi-automatic my ass!" she clinked the bottle with Kelly.

"Let's see how you handle it in a gun fight, with all six bullets of yours."

"My old man said, if you can't make it out with six, you aren't gonna make it out at all!" Garrison took a sip from her bottle. "Ah! And here comes your old man!"

"Garrison!" Morris broke out from the crowd, relieve that it didn't turn nasty. "How did you get here?"

"Have you forgotten who I am?"

"And I presume you're here to help?"

"No, I just wanna see your ass get burn!" Garrison laughed.

"Hey! Little guy needs two women to watch your ass, eh?" the big Jamaican patted Morris on the back, knocking him out of air.

"Let's go inside!" Morris coughed.

Kelly invited them in, Garrison took a sofa like it was her own house, placing her feet on the coffee table.

"Yeah, and make yourself home!" Kelly said with a look. "I suppose you are here for a reason?"

"Just like to get to know his friends!" Garrison looked around the trailer. "And give your man a heads up."

"Oh? And what will that be?"

"Before Jeffery got exposed, he was setting a deal for the Cartels. It went down badly and the money was gone."

"Jeffery? The Cartel?" Kelly turned to Morris. "Is there something I should know about?"

"I suppose he stole the money, exposed himself, and think the DEA will have his back?" Morris concluded, Garrison nodded.

"DEA?" Kelly's eyes widen.

"The Drug Enforcement Administration." Garrison filled in.

"I know what it is!" Kelly said annoyingly. "You mean the Cartels are onto Morris?"

"Technically they are local contractors, hired by the Columbian drug lord Alberto."


"They handle all the dirty work in the State, so the drug lords don't have to."

"And you know this because?"

Garrison and Morris exchanged looks, she nodded for approval.

"She's with Intelligence." Morris said.

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