Chapter 3

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Well, not gonna lie. I had one of my best lunch times ever!

He was really funny, he made stupid jokes and made me laugh even after I didn't like my sushi & gave all my food to him.

"You owe me Clifford! I almost eat nothing!" I said with giggles.

"I'm gonna sing to you tomorrow Sherlock! It's a tie!"

I feel like at home with him. And in just one hour! He asked me couple of questions about me, my school, hometown, London, friends beside what I like and hate...

I always thought I knew about him but when it comes to my turn, I literally learned a lot of stuffs about him. While we were eating, Ashton and Calum called him to ask where he is. He said that he eats something and will be there in a hour.

"You gotta go?" I asked.

"Yeah, but we can stay another 10 min-"

"Ah, excuse me." I apologised after my phone had rang. "Hello?"

"Hi, honey. We're about to start to shoot but you're a little bit late. Where are you?"

"Oh, I'm really sorry. Now, I'm in.. Well I don't know where I'm right now but I'll take a cab and come there."

"Ok, try to be quick, we got a lot of work to do! Love you, bye!"

"I'll. Sorry again. Love you too." I finished my phone call. She was my make-up stylist and like older sister to me.

"Boyfriend?" I looked at Michael.

"Wh- Oh, no! She was my friend. I don't have a boyfriend." I smiled.

"Really? I thought boys were interested with cute girls."

"Thanks Michael, you're so sweet but looks like they are not interested in me..." I winked. "And I have to go. We should pay account."

He called waiter to account and I tried to find my purse in my bag.

"It's on me-"

"No, I wanna pay too."

"You can pay next time, but it's on me right now. Ok?" I insisted him but he didn't say 'Yes!' to me so I accepted his offer which means 'We're gonna have lunch again'!

After we went out, I turned him:

"Thank you Michael. I had so much fun. It's really nice to meet you." I said.

"Not at all. It's my pleasure." He looked at his watch. "Well, I'd like to take you to your place but I don't have time."

"This is not a problem. Thanks again for thinking."

"You don't have to thank me all the time."

"Ok, so see you tomorrow! Good luck!"

"See you!" I plucked up courage and hugged him fast.

Then I saw a taxi, raised my hand to stop it. I turned to Michael: "I really liked your hair -just try to wear long sleeve shirts to make people not to recognize you!"

He smiled. "You and your wisely comments will be missed Sherlock!"

"Wait just for 24 hours!" I waved my hand and got into the cab.

I have never keep calm when I see my favorite person/people even on TV -but now I had lunch with Michael Clifford without screams and excitemen! I mean I was very exited to see him -now he is my friend who I know like a long time... Oh, and with no pictures taken!

Thank God, I accepted my work in here.


Ok, forgot the all things I said! Because there are just 3 hours left to go to stadium and I'm freaking out! At least, they have great weather so I could wear skirt instead of yesterday's jeans!...

After I had came back from my photoshoot -which took a long time!- I was feeling tired but also great. I took a shower, surfed the web and went to bed. Everything of me was calm and normal...

But when I woke up and had my breakfast this morning, something inside me started making me feel thrill...

What should I wear, what should I say?

OMG! I met Michael yesterday and now don't know what I'm gonna tell him?!

Oh, hope there will be no problem with my ticket so I can meet other guys too etc...

Finally I wore my clothes, had my mascara&lipstick, brushed my hair, packed my bag, checked my ticked thousands of times and went outside to the hotel.

I have no work for today, so I left early to go to stadium. I took cab and gave the adress.

Keep calm, just keep calm!

While we're about to reach the adress, I put my lipstick for the last time, paid my money, fixed my hair and took the first step.

Speaking quite frankly, this is my first big concert which I'm attending! They never made big concerts like this in Turkey and I don't have a chance to go in London too... I have been in 'The 1975' and 'Ed Sheeran' once, thats all! But the stadium! This is my first! So, I'm right to be exited like this!

For luck they already opened the gates to get people in. M&G's have a big chance to go there first so I used my ticket and went in there quickly.

I followed many girls to find the room where we're gonna meet them and when we arrived there, one lady came and told us to lining up. I prefer to be last ones -don't know why, I just wanna hang out Ashton, Calum, Luke and Michael a little bit more...

When they came into the room, I couldn't see them but hearing their voices with couples of screaming fans... I read on article which says, first they hug all of fans and meet them, then take photos with them with new queue.

My turn comes fast without realizing. I took a deep breat and started walking. First I saw Michael and smiled to him.

"Oh, here is my Sherlock!" He said in the room full of fans.

"Hi Clifford!"

And one more thing. He wore long sleeve t-shirt!

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