Chapter 7

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I hate jet-lags.

I hate timezones.

But I do love travelling. Espicially when I have to think about Michael's message.

I didn't say anything to anybody about our first meet. I saw my photo with Michael when we were walking outside before the lunch, and read comments about myself. Nobody knows my name or who I am but they all think that I am too normal for Michael...

To be honest, reading those comments really changed my energy. When I sat on the plane, I was too excited for I was about to talk with him. However, right now, that made me think maybe he is thinking the same.

I'm just a normal girl, a fan for him. And he is traveling the world with his band... He has a lot of friends -who are much more beautiful than me... Also, we are in different cities in most of the year.

If I wanna send a message to him, I should be ready to fall in love with him and wait him to like me... Because God knows, he was my favorite from the beginning and meeting him made me believe everything is possible.

This brings us to here... Two weeks later from Michael's message. I acted like the most stupid person on earth and didn't text him back. And I can't send now either. Just imagine, if I write 'Hey Clifford!' -one week later!- what would he reply me?

It is just too late. My fault.

But... I saved his number and I am stalking him from Whatsapp, Twitter, Instagram, pretty much every social media which hurts... I mean -you know, when you met someone you want to continue your relationship with she/he if you have in common. And I see him&look at his accounts every hour of everyday, used our selfie as my home screen, remember all the things...

What if he was wondering about me? Or why didn't he send me a message again? It isn't that hard...

I'm acting like this for the first time of my life. I've never had a boyfriend but when I liked a guy -I always encouraged myself plus talked with him. The real problem is -I can't do it right now.

Probably, I want to fall in love but don't want to be hurt. Clifford is like my type of guy with his piercings, dyed hair even with his pizzas for breakfast... If I fall for Michael (or which I already did) I don't want to be the sad one at the end...

I wish I told somebody about this one.

On the other hand, I watched their Tokyo Diary like a thousands of times. It made my laugh until I cry and like all the boys much more... Speaking of the boys -just one time Calum called me to ask if I am okay. He wanted to call me after my flight however he forgot and apologised for calling so late. I said, everythings fine also I was really happy to have his call. After a little bit chat, I pulled myself together and think 'Ipek! You have got Michael's number, he already texted you, but you are still sitting here! If you want to be happy, just do it or else you'll be regret it!'

I found his number on my phone in the middle of the night (Thank God, they were the same time-zone as me!) and called him.

While I was begging him not to answer the phone (I was about to have kittens, obviously!) I heard his angel voice:


"Hey Watson, it's Sherlock!" I heard him giggling.

"Please don't tell me we have a case or Moriarty came back -again!" He said.

He knows this much about Sherlock made me surprise. I took a deep breath and said:

"Sorry for not answering you Michael."

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