Chapter 5

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That was the hardest minute to keep calm!

All the people, who had seats near me, looked at and ask me who the hell I am?

New girlfriend, some chick or groupie?

I refused to answer those questions and just said my name, my little conservation with them on the backstage. After 2-3 songs, fans realized boys are much more important at that moment, so they kept singing the songs and let me finish the song with everybody.

After that minute I decided to not listening what other people think about me and started singing 'Good Girls' with the boys.

I sometimes catched myself -I was looking Michael most of the concert. His hair, bracelets, outfit, the way he sings, plays guitar... Just I couldn't believe he is a real person -not an angel.

I finally realized I was so lucky to called Sherlock by him.


After the concert had ended, I was trying to get out from the venue -which was pretty hard to do-

Then one big guy came into me. "Excuse me, Miss Ipek, right?"

"Oh yeah. It is." I said and pried.

"Well, you are being waited from backstage."

"Why?" While the girls who are around me looking and whispering each-other that I was an idiot for asking this, I was blaming myself. "I'm sorry, of course I'll come."

He smiled a little bit and showed me where should I go. Then he went and helped the people to get them out of here.

I walked to the door and put my lipstick again. I was acting like I was 12 -but somehow thinking they liked me like I liked them.

I knocked the door twice and got in. Calum and Luke were sitting on the big red couch and watching Japonese channel.

"Hi." I talked slowly. "You wanted me to come he-"

"Oh, hey Ipek. Come over here." Calum made room for me, told me to sit there.

I went and sit there like I saw my best friends. But they kept watching that channel instead of talking me.

"So-" Luke turned to me. "How did you and Mikey met?"

"Okay kids, I'm gonna tell you a little story -the story of How I Met Michael!" I giggled and kept going. However, they didn't stop laughing which made me feel relax with them.

"How I Met Your Mother fan?" Calum asked me.

"Crazy fan! Oh, where were we? Well, I saw him at first......" I told the story when we met and what we did. They were listening to me very carefully and asking so I wondered why did they want me to come here. "Why did you guys called me? And where are Ashton and Michael?"

"In the shower." Luke answered my question. And turned to Calum. Looks like he was about to made an explanation.

"Mike talked about you really much so we taught, you can give us your number?" Cal was saying this like a normal thing.

"My number?" Still alive but barely breathing...


"Calum Hood and Luke Hemmings ask my phone number?"

"Yes -again."

"Oh my God! This is the second best day ever!" I got one of them's phone and saved my number.

"Which was the best?" Cal asked me.

"The day I met Michael." I shouldn't have said that! Luke and he winked each other and smiled. "Well, time to go for me!" I stood up, went towards to the door where everything started. "Nice to meet you guy-"

"Sherlock, what are you doing here?" I heard his beautiful accent.

"For the last time Michael, don't call me like that!" I turned back to see him... -with his towel and wet hair!

"Nope." He smiled and tousled. And I was staring at him all the time.

"Go, wear something Mike! You're scaring her!"


Hiiii. I'm sorry for late update, my midterms are coming and I'm studying for them. Please vote and comment for letting me know how it was!

Thank you, and have a good day!

Ipek x

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