Chapter 11

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"Oh, hi Ipek!" I stood up and let Calum hug me.

"Hey Cal! What's-"

"Luke! Ash!" He yelled to the behind of the tree. "They are here!" Calum waved his hand and ten seconds later, I saw two blondies.

"Are you crazy, what are you guys doing here? You knew that I was going to be with her." The scene I was watching was truly unpredictable -me and Michael were on the beach, listening to the songs of the bonfire from a distance, right under a palm tree and about to have our first kiss -but suddenly we heard some Australian accents coming toward to us, closer and closer...

Not the luckiest time of mine, I guess...

"We've been worried about you -it's been an hour!" said Ashton. "C'mon Michael you even go to the bathroom with your phone and the only time you closed your phone was ages ago!"

"Didn't you think that my phone was closed because of its fucking battery ran out?!" Mike was kind of furious, it was really easy to understand this from his attidute or the way he speak, moves. "You just ruined my moment..." When he whispered, I thought that I was the only one who heard this.

"He just forgot his phone, everything's good." I said with a calm voice. Because the calmness was what we really need in that time. Just because we were near to the bonfire (which surrounded by lots of people), the crowd heard our noise and they started to look at us. In a moment, this place could've turned into a hell -a worldwide boyband's singers are in the beach, next to them; perfect place and perfect timing for everybody! "Lets go home guys, this will be worse if people will start recognizing you." The boys nod their head and we started to walk a little.

The distance between my little house and beach was like 10 minutes by foot. That nerveous, mad moment was gone when we started walking; Luke and Calum were telling Michael a story with huge hand gestures and mimics(like they didn't see eachother for a couple of years) while I was talking with Ashton.

"Sooo, did you guys kiss?" asked curly haired guy with a smirk on his face

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"Sooo, did you guys kiss?" asked curly haired guy with a smirk on his face.

"What? No!" I tried to deny, however my face was telling everything when it became red

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"What? No!" I tried to deny, however my face was telling everything when it became red.

"Ah, c'mon -we are aware of everything -how you look at eachother or how you react when you are together-"

"You're talking like my best girl friend."

"-even if you haven't kissed yet, it is obvious that there is something between you two. Don't you see that?" He looked at me, his curious eyes were looking for an information into my eyes to find a prove...

"I see it Ash. I do like him." Here, there was my confess to one of his bestfriends, walking right beside him. "I just don't want to be thatnormal girl, who is just a student and cannot follow her boyfriend through cities, countries worldwide... I don't want to hope for good and be sad instead. We only saw eachother three times, do you think this is enough to make things seriosus?"

"Oh, dear." Ashton put his arm around my shoulder and gave me a little hug. "That rainbow head likes you too, he is just too shy to confess it. Everybody knows that he is now happier when he is talking with you -he even started to watch Sherlock again!"

I couldnt felt my body for a moment. For the first time in my life, the guy I like likes me -that was not a joke, not a dream, all real. "Are you serious? Ash, if you make fun of me, I swear-"

"No, no! I am serious! Why would I lie to you about these special stuffs? Like I said, make him confess that he likes you. Like that, you finally can start having a relationship -or else, God knows with two 'takings things slower than ever' people, you won't be together in a short time."

"You think so?"

"Of course! Plus, we'll leave you alone in a couple of minutes, so you can continue what you were doing there." He winked.

"Wait, that was why you came here?"

"Yeah, we've been worrying about what were you doing. First, we thought like you were having s-"

"Okay, okay I do not want to hear more." I put my hands on my ears so that I could not hear more. "Thanks for your help, I appriciate it."

"You're very welcome. Also, welcome to the family."

"Oh, stop it; you are going to make me cry!" Although I haven't been into the family yet; he was a really nice person, despite the fact that this was our first alone&proper conversation. As my little 'Thank you!' to him; I covered his belly with my arms and shared my positive energy. As a return, he giggles and kissed my hairs very light.

Right after, we arrived my house.

"Here is the Ipek's Mansion -where I sleep, think and write my novels in." I showed my home like I was presenting a furniture/stuff in a showcase.

"And, that's where we're leaving. Sorry to bother yo guys. Take care & see you soon!" Just like a crazy dream, they left very quickly just like how they came. I was alone with Michael again (which I am not complaining about!) As boys, who are over their 20's, these childish moves were just hilarious and weird; on the other hand, they somehow worked and I was feeling more confident and powerful about myself/my love story. I decided that I am going to work what I want!

"I guess we should go to upstairs again." I said. "It is time to watch a movie for us."

He approved, started to follow me. "What were you and Ashton talking about there?" I gave myself a second to think; because I didn't want to lie, also not telling the truth...

"He was helping me to figure someting out."

"Okay." This short, an unconvinced reply was not a good sign.

When we heard the elevator's voice which tells us that we're in the right floor, I took my key out and we were in the flat again.

"Which movie would you like to watch? I do not have many in here vut I am sure we will find something that works for you."

"No, I don't want to watch a movie right now." He said, while he was arranging the champagne and the glasses again. "I want to keep going from where were we."

"You mean, the time when you were about to kiss me?" I wispered but I was sure that he heard me. Clifford, came closer, put his hand on my cheek -I was already in the mood.

"This time, I won't let anyone to interrupt us."


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2017 ⏰

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