The age of steel PT2

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"It's freezing." Mrs Moore says to the Doctor as they both walk through the cooling tunnels

"Any sign of a light switch?" He asks her

"Can't see a thing. But I've got these. A device for every occasion."


"Put it on." Mrs Moore says as she pulls out two torches on a headbands.

"Haven't got a hotdog in there, have you? I'm starving." The Doctor jokes

"Of all the things to wish for. That's mechanically recovered meat." Mrs Moore smiles,

"I know. It's the Cyberman of food, but it's tasty." The Doctor replies

"A proper torch as well." Mrs Moore says as she pulls two torches from her backpack

"Let's see where we are." The Doctor turns on his head torch and hand torch, he shines to the left of him and there  are Cybermen ranged along both sides of the tunnel.
"Already converted, just put on ice. Come on." He taps on one Cyberman's face. No reaction.
"Let's go slowly. Keep an eye out for trip systems."


Pete and I were outside of Battersea Power Station and more people are being escorted in.

'Chamber six now open for human upgrading. Chamber seven now open for human upgrading.' I hear the Cybermen say from a distance while I keep out of sight with Pete
'Chamber eight now open for human upgrading.'

"Just put them on. Don't show any emotion. No signs, nothing. Okay?" Pete tells me

"Don't worry. We can do it." I say

'Chamber seven now open for human upgrading.' A Cyberman says from a distance as we put the ear-pods on.

"We could die in here. Why are you doing this?" Pete asks me

"Let's just say I'm doing it for my mum and dad. Right, let's go." I say
'Chamber eight now open for human upgrading.' Holding hands, Pete and I join the procession.
'Chamber nine now open for human upgrading. Chamber ten now open for human upgrading. Chamber eleven now open for human upgrading.'


Jake is first up the ladder to the roof of the power station.

"Two guards. We can take them." Jake says in a hurry

"Don't kill them." I tell him

"Who put you in charge?" Jake snarls

"If you kill them, what's the difference between you and the Cybermen?" Tell him and I see Jake debate before giving into my suggestion of not killing the guards.

"Well, I suppose we could use these." Jake says as he pulls out two little glass bottles

"Smelling salts?" I ask him

"Bit stronger than that. One of Mrs Moore's little tricks. Should knock them out. Three, two, one." Jake says quietly before we run out from our cover and behind the two human guards. We put the little bottles under their noses and the men collapse from the vapour.

"There's got to be more guards on board." I say

"Then let's go get them." Jake smiles at me


"How did you get into this, then, rattling along with the Preachers?" The Doctor asked Mrs Moore as they both carried on walking through the tunnels

"Oh, I used to be ordinary. Worked at Cybus Industries, nine to five, till one day, I find something I'm not supposed to. A file on the mainframe. All I did was read it. Then suddenly I've got men with guns knocking in the middle of the night. Life on the run. Then I found the Preachers. They needed a techie, so I, I just sat down and taught myself everything." Mrs Moore explained to the Doctor

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