Dead man walking PT1 (Torchwood)

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"The time is twenty one thirty. This is Doctor Alexandria Maidstone. Autopsy on Owen Harper, Caucasian, age twenty seven. Torchwood Officer five six five. Time of death witnessed at approximately twenty thirty. Autopsy begins." I say into microphone that was above Owen's body, I had picked up a clean and very sharp clever and I was so very nearly about to press into Owen's body when Jack barges in immediately stopping the process.

"Stop! Nobody touches him till I get back, is that clear?" He shouts at us all before disappears out of the autopsy room again leaving us all stunned as we stood looking at Owen's deceased body. I took off my uniform that I was wearing so I wouldn't get any residue on my original clothes— I put the uniform away and instead I joined Ianto I'm a sofa in the hub as we waited on Jack's return. None of us said a word to one another because I suppose there were no words to say in a situation that was as unique as this. Eventually, Jack returned and runs through with a box, he looked a bit bloodied and scuffed.

"Jack?" Gwen calls after him as he rushes past us all and he goes straight into his office and the rest of us trial behind him quickly.
"Jack, what have you got?" Gwen asked him and when he opened the box it contained a metal gauntlet and I knew exactly what it was— I had read about the two gauntlets while I was travelling in the TARDIS

"Oh, my God." Tosh gasped slightly

"You can't use it. Not after Suzie." Gwen warns Jack

"I'm using the glove. I'm bringing Owen back." Jack said without concern, he then took the gauntlet out of its box completely and made his way back to the autopsy room and we all followed him.

"Are you really going to use that after what happened last time? Jack, the gloves are dangerous. At best it'll give us two minutes. At worst, it. Who knows what will happen?" Gwen says seriously to him as we all stand over Owen's body

"It's not up for discussion." Jack says

"I thought the glove didn't work for you?" Gwen asks him,

"Different glove, different circumstances. This time, it has to work for me. I'm not going to give it any choice. Okay, if you've got anything you need to say to Owen, now's your chance." Jack dons the gauntlet and puts his hand on Owen's head.
"Owen, it's Jack, can you hear me? Owen, hear my voice. Get a hold of it, let it draw you out, pull you out."

"I'm not getting any vital signs." Ianto says as I stand by Owen's body with my hands over my mouth purely waiting to see if anything will happen.

"Owen, it's me, Jack. He's coming, he's coming." Jack says and suddenly Owen screams.

"Oh, my God!" I shout

"What happened? Where am I?" Owen asks and then he looks down at his chest
"Oh God, I'm shot. He shot me!" He panics

"Owen, you need to listen to me. We don't have long." Jack says

"Where am I? This isn't hospital, this is the autopsy room. What am I doing here? Jack. oh, no. What's that? What's that?" Owen continues to panic,

"The resurrection glove. We lost you, but I brought you back." Jack explained

"How long have I got?"

"We're at thirty seconds and counting." Ianto informs Owen

"Oh, no. Jesus. Really?"

"Okay, team, say your goodbyes. Gwen." Jack says before turning to face Gwen hoping that she'll start this off,

"Gwen, no offence, but I've only got two minutes to live." He says rather rudely
"Tosh!" He turns to her

"I'm gonna miss you." She whispers in his ear.
"And I love you. I always have."

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