Evolution of the daleks PT2

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"Look at this pace. Top of the world." Tallulah says in awe as I see Martha go to the drawing board with the blueprints on it.

"Okay, now this looks good." She smiles

"Hey, look at the date. These designs were issued today. They must've changed something last minute." I tell her as I point out some small writing on the blueprints

"You mean the Daleks changed something?" She asked me

"Yeah, could be. The ones underneath, they're from before. That means that whatever they changed must be on this top sheet but not on this one. We need to check one against the other." I say as I pick up the sheets and I lay them side by side on the floor,

"The height of this place! This is amazing." Tallulah smiles as she stood right on the edge when I look up and see her holding on to a scaffolding bar for support

"Careful, we're a hundred floors up. Don't go wandering off." I warn her

"I just want to see." Tallulah goes to the open area and looks out towards the Chrysler Building.
"New York City. If aliens had to come to Earth, oh, no wonder they came here." Tallulah says more to herself than any of us. The blueprints are spread out on the floor. Tallulah comes back in just as a storm is brewing.

"I'll go and keep an eye out. Make sure we're safe up here. Don't want nobody butting in." Frank says as he leaves.

"Be careful." I warn him and he nods his head

"There's a hell of a storm moving in."

"I wish The Doctor was here. He'd know what we're looking for." Martha sighs and I look at her,

"You forget Martha that I have travelled with The Doctor for a while I'm just as good as him if not even better." I smirk and she smiles back as we continue to look at the blueprints on the floor.

"So tell me, where did you and him first hook up?" Tallulah asks me

"It was just after I finished my exams, I wanted to work in a hospital." I say

"Of course, him being a doctor." Tallulah assumes

"Actually, I'm a doctor." I tell her and she looks shocked,

"You're a physician? Really?"

"I am too I'm training. Still am, if I ever get back home." Martha tells Tallulah

"You could be doctors together. Oh, what a partnership. Oh, it's such a shame. If only he wasn't so different. You know what I mean?"

"Oh, you have no idea how different he really is."

"Yeah, he's a man, sweetheart. That's different enough."

"He had this companion a while back. This friend. And ever since then he's been on his own. But you know, sometimes I say something or do something and he looks at me, and I just sort of think that he's not seeing me. He's just remembering." I sigh

"Oh. Listen, sweetheart. You want to get all sad? You want to have a contest with me and Laszlo?"

"No. But listen, if the Doctor's with Laszlo now, there's every chance that he could get him out." Martha comforts the blonde

"And then what? Don't talk crazy. There's no future for me and him. Those Dalek things took that away. The one good thing I had in my life and they destroyed it." Tallulah sighs as I continued to look at the blueprints when I see something different

"Got it. Look. There, on the mast. Those little lines? They're new. They've added something, see?" I say as point out to the two women

"Added what?" Tallulah asks me as she looks over at Martha and it's like they shared the same thoughts

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