❥ curious curious little fellow

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It's been a week since he and Anonymouscchi met. Until now, Kise doesn't even know what his or her name is... yet.

He now has a clue to who this strange person is. It might not be helpful, but it's better than nothing. If he can find out what it means, maybe, just maybe, he'll really know who this strange person is.

"Ako nga si human sa bulak."

What does that suppose to mean? And by the looks of it, it doesn't seem to be Japanese. Then, what language could this possibly? Vietnamese? Chinese? Malay? What? That was the only question which has been bugging him this Saturday afternoon. Even Mister Google Translate can't even identify what language it is. All he gets are unreliable translations which don't even make sense. Not even the slightest.

"I flower a human? Does that mean Anonymouscchi is a flowering person?" Kise pouted as he tried to translate the strange quotation yet again. Said male shook his head in disbelief in his answer, and quickly turned of his laptop and slumped back in his chair.

Kise's been going the extra mile just to find out what his strange text mate's name is. He doesn't know why, though. This is the first time he's this desperate to know the origin of one person. His curiosity was getting the better of him, he just wants to know what their name is. No, wait. He needs to know their name.

It was nearing to 18:18. Until now, the blonde hasn't figured out the meaning of that statement's meaning. What will he say now? What will he tell to Anonymouscchi when they ask if he had already found out who they are?


Golden pair of eyes quickly gazed at the nearby cellphone, that was quietly lying down on the wooden surface of the desk just adjacent to a bookshelf. His hands then streched towards the object and flipped it open, revealing the time, and a new message from none other than,

Fr: Anonymouscchi ^u^
Sub: Bulak

How goes?

Short message. Short as ever, Kise commented as he typed his reply.

To: Anonymouschii ^u^
Rep: Bulak

Etto... great as ever! :3 You? (^__^)

Fr: Anonymouscchi ^u^
Rep: Bulak

So-so. Have you deciphered my message?

To: Anonymouscchi ^u^
Rep: Bulak

Okay? I haven't. (TT ^ TT) Ish sho hard. What kind of language is this?! (TT o TT) Whenever I translate it, it doesn't even make sense! OTL|l|

Fr: Anonymouscchi ^u^
Rep: Bulak

Do you know the different dialects of the Filipinos?

To: Anonymouscchi ^u^
Rep: Bulak

Ehhhh... (.___.) No. Is it even needed? =A= And we're straying from the subject again.

Fr: Anonymouscchi ^u^
Rep: Bulak

The subject's name here is a word in Tagalog which means 'cotton'. In one of the dialects, this means 'flower'.

To: Anonymouscchi ^u^
Rep: Bulak

Well, that's interesting.... .___. But, what does that have to do with what we were talking about earlier?

When the Clock Strikes 18:18 ✘ Kuroko no BasukeWhere stories live. Discover now