❥ he was ignored

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18:18 came, Kise was already home, yet, Anonymouscchi still wasn't texting. He used that as his chance to text first and ask if their name is really 'Hana'.

To: Anonymouscchi
Sub: I know now!!

Ne, ne~! Anonymouscchi! I think I know what your name is! It's Hana! Right? Right?! ^_____^ (^3^)7

Kise couldn't contain his excitement, which was still evident in his actions and face. He wanted to see how Anonymouscchi would react when he found out their name.

Now that he thought about it, their name greatly suits a girl. Maybe, Anonymouscchi is actually a girl? Oh! How he really wanted to solve this walking puzzle so badly! Only problem is that Anonymouscchi wasn't replying for twenty minutes already.

To: Anonymouscchi ^u^
Sub: Knock knock?

Etto... (◎-◎;) Anonymouscchi, you there? (•ิ_•ิ)?

Still no reply. Kise was getting worried on the absent lf replies from them.

To: Anonymouscchi ^u^
Sub: You there? (」゚ロ゚)」

Anonymouschiiiii~ Answer me please. (TT^TT)

To: Anonymouscchi ^u^
Sub: Plith? T^T

Did your brother steal your phone again? If that's the case, reply immediately if you see this? T^T

Not even a single word from them.

To: Anonymouscchi ^u^
Sub: Hana?

Anonymouscchi? Hana? Σ(゚д゚lll ) You there?

To: Anonymouscchi ^u^
Sub: Why aren't you replying?

Is it because I found out your name? ( ;´Д`) Then, forget I said anything! Your name isn't Hana! Your Anonymouscchi!

To: Anonymouscchi ^u^
Sub: Wrong!

*You're. I'm sorry! ヽ(゚Д゚)ノ (┳Д┳)

To: Anonymouscchi ^u^
Sub: Do you hate me?

WAAAAAAH! Don't hate me, please! ヽ(゚Д゚)ノ

20: 59. Still no reply.

To: Anonymouscchi ^u^
Sub: T_T

(。┰ω┰。) Senpai, notice me. 。:゚(。ノω\。)゚・。

To: Anonymouscchi ^u^
Sub: Waaaaaaah. QAQ

Why won't you notice meeeeh, Anonymouscchi-senpai? D:

To: Anonymouscchi ^u^
Sub: .

K. Fine. (TT _______ TT)

When the Clock Strikes 18:18 ✘ Kuroko no BasukeWhere stories live. Discover now