❥ spending the day without her

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an. the crazy thing i was talking about in the last chapter is gonna happen so lol please, forgive me. XD
i love you, please don't kill me, i love you, please don't kill me. *bows then leaves*

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"Come back, please."

That sentence has been haunting Kise since this morning after his older sister had banned him from texting anyone, most especially, Hanabira. Until now, Kise couldn't forgive her for what she had done. Who wouldn't anyways? After telling him not to talk to the only person he met over the phone through text that he considers his friend and has removed his own battery and memory card from his phone, who wouldn't be enraged for such a thing done to them?

(Some girls can relate to this.)

Since then, Kise's mind has left his body completely, always drifting towards Hanabira, what she was doing, what was her reaction towards the sudden news, and what she could have said. Certainly, even for someone as cool, collected, and calm natured as her, it could be possible that they would be angered that someone has left them hanging for not telling the reason of their leave and just disappear competely, like they're dust particles scattered along the surface, being sweeped by a broom, put inside a dust pan, and thrown out like they were nothing.

Alas, nothing could be done besides to wait. To wait for his mean sister to return the stolen goods to Kise, or wait for her sweet sister to return with good news concerning Hanabira's identity, and who she really is. If ever her name has been cleared, then, that'll prove that she is indeed a good person that is worthy for Kise's attention and replies, and maybe Ryoko would stop worrying so much about him and treat him like an ignorant child who doesn't know anything about the world.

For now, he'll just let whatever happens to fate and wait for any further notice, and listen to the boring lesson that's been coming out of the teacher's mouth nonstop; that magical bird who can cure a certain king's bedridden state through song, the Adarna Bird.

As Kise listened to the latest report being given out, wherein the youngest of the king's three sons have once again been betrayed by two of his elder brothers, and have also stolen the two women who made him realize what love is. As the student reporting tells the summarization of the latest chapter, yesterday's message had made him sink into his seat in and feel guilty once again.

When he thinks about it, if it weren't for that multi-colored bird, surely he and she would have not met. He wouldn't be expecting her short messages at 6:18, or 18:18 as she would have put it. Rather, if it weren't for him inputing the wrong number, they might have never met, Hanabira wouldn't correct him of his grammatical mistakes, and he wouldn't have reported in time, and there would be no one to be sarcastic with.

Even if it was just for a short moment, he really enjoyed each moment he texted her, no matter what the topic was. It was fun to have someone talk to besides the Generation of Miracles, his millions of odd and crazy fangirls and maybe fangays, and his own family. Talking to a stranger such as her had its perks, and he was enjoying those perks.

He wondered when he'll be able to talk to her again, and wondered when he'll be able to meet her face to face. Just the thought of it just sends this strange feeling throughout his system, wondering what waa it or was it even possible to feel such... feeling.

In the midst of his daydreaming, the last bell for the morning rang, signalling the end of English class and the start of lunch. The teacher had reminded everyone of their reports for tomorrow and finally left, with the students causing an uproar on what they'll have for lunch (or maybe even brunch for some), and the blonde silently leaving the room and completely being missed by the eyes of many, which is bizarre since most people would have certainly noticed even the smallest of his actions and girls would immediately flock to him to offer their homemade goods to the blonde.

When the Clock Strikes 18:18 ✘ Kuroko no BasukeWhere stories live. Discover now