❥ operation: finding flower petals

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an. that freaking moment where i failed to make a proper cover and failed to change the eye color. ._. oh well...

classes are done, wheeeeew~ that means imma updating more! yaaaaay~ xD

Tomorrow was the match between Teiko Middle School and Ikeda Junior High School. All members of the basketball club are to dedicate their time in practicing. Of course, they did what they were told. Cross out Kise who kept on messing up during practice and was scolded by their coach and ended up on the benches to get himself together.

Reason why he can't consentrate? It was because of what her sister, Ryuuki, told him earlier during breakfast after Ryoko left for school in a rush, since the university she was studying in was about thirty minutes away on train. He had thought that Ryuuki was joking about her going to school their school after their classes end in order to search for Hanabira, herself.

"I have this huge hunch that maybe Hanabira or even her brother is studying at Teiko, too! Her brother does know you, so I just know they're there!" Was what she had told him during breakfast. "I'm very sure I'll be able to track her down and finally know who she really is! Just leave the stalking to me, Ryo-kun, and we'll find out who Hanabira is!" She chirped once more before heading out for school as well.

The last time I trusted her became a disaster. Kise shudderer when he remembered that time where they found out one of his fans were gay for him. Oh, the horror...

Classes at Teiko had just finished, hence, the reason why they're already practicing. And if Kise was right, teachers at Touou has already dismissed their students, and Ryuuki should be heading here while he's just a sitting duck gulping down a bottle of water. If Ryuuki-oneecchi comes her, it'll be hell.

I hope she doesn't mess this up...

Speaking of that odd and stalker-ish sister, Kise Ryuuki was already outside the campus of Teiko Middle School, sporting a detectivr like outfit which she dubbed as her outfit of the day or OOTD (she even took a selfie of herself and posted it on her blog with the caption "Playing detective for the sake of my little bro! Wish me luck, lovelies!"(It is to be expected that she'll post her OOTDs since she's also working part-time as a model)).

"Heh heh heh..." A snicker of somesorts escaped her lips as her fake glasses gave of a shine. "Now, I shall commence... Operation: Finding Flower Petals! Prepare, Hanabira! For I will track you down and bring evidence of your identity to my dear Ryo-kun!" Afterwards, she ran inside the school building, dismissing the weirded out looks of the people around her, which were mostly students of Teiko.

Her feet had brought her to the Principal's office, where she would have thought the information of their students would be. "Now, all I have to do is open it!"

She giggled to herself as she grasped the doorknob and started to turn it. Much to her dismay, since it was locked and she couldn't open it. "Eh? Why won't it open?" Since she didn't think that it was locked, she tried various ways in opening it, like pulling, pushing, kicking, and even ramming the door. With each try, she always miserably failed.

Ryuuki gave a huff of annoyance. "What is this door made of?! Is it made out of indestructable orichalcum?!" She glared at the door, before trying once again to open it with sheer force.

Before she could, though, a wild carrot suddenly appeared and stopped her from doing so.

"Oi, you blonde, nanodayo!" The greenette pulled her away from the door before she could even break it down, earning a pout from her in return. "What are you doing, nodayo?! Did you now that what you were about to do was vandalism and destruction of school property?! What's an outsider like you even doing here?!"

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