❥ theory of happiness

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"It was for your own good! If you can't see that, then you'll never understand why I'm doing this!"

"But, Ryoko-oneecchi, you didn't have to go through such lengths just to make her ignore me! You could have at least lie and tell her not to talk to me in a nice way!"

"Ryota, that woman's a stranger and could probably be a bad person! Do you hear me?!"

Kise's room door slammed shut after hearing what his sister just had said about Hanabira. His face made a scorn as sweat kept on falling from his body. He let out shaky breaths, before letting out a sigh and leaned and slid on the door after his legs had given out from all of that emotional stress after having another fight with his sister.

He couldn't really explain it, really, but when he stepped into the house after returning from school, he knew something was amiss. When he had climbed up the stairs and threw his room door open and saw how Ryoko used his phone's battery and memory card, and even his own phone for her scheming, he couldn't explain how furious he was. And when he read the message she just sent to Hanabira, his fury grew even greater. To the point he had pushed his sister out of his room and shut the door right in her face.

Ryuuki had come up moments later after he had heard the commotion from downstairs, just after she had also arrived from school. Ryoko then started explaining how she tried to finally get rid of Hanabira in their precious little brother's life, but, that just earned her also an earful from her younger sister who had went through the trouble of visiting their brother's school just to find out who this Hanabira person is. They were the ones bickering this time after a series of debates, and went to the lower floor the continue their fight.

When everything had became silent, Kise stood up from where he was and plopped onto his bed, face in the pillows, not even bothering to even remove his school's blazer or even his socks. The emotional stress he was feeling right now was too much on him that he refused to do anything besides to lay down on his bed and wait until everything has finally cooled down and they can have a long, nice talk about their current situation. If it was even possible.

For a moment, his eyes closed in order for him to drift to sleep. His eyes shot open, though, when he heard a familiar alert tone went off. He immediate pushed himself off from his bed and looked down on the floor, where he had heard the strange beeping sound, and there he saw his phone, beeping and vibrating. Kise's eyes immediately shone in relief when he saw that her sister had dropped his phone and had left it here. She wasn't even coming up to fetch it.

The blonde took this chance to text Hanabira and apologize for what his sister just sent, before he could, though, the reply he had received from her shook him to the core.

Fr: Hanabiracchi :3
Rep: Be it, then.

If that is what you wish, I shall no longer speak to your brother again. Send him an apology from me, and that it was nice knowing him. I'll just forget our conversations like it never happened.

"No... no, no, no! Oneecchi, what have you done?!" Kise internally cursed before he started typing his first reply which seemed like forever for the blonde male.

To: Hanabiracchi :3
Rep: Be it, then.

No! Gosh, don't stop talking or texting me or whatever! Don't mind what my sister said! She's just too protective, that's all.

Please, don't stop texting me...

He was expecting a reply from her, at least something which she usually calls him, may it be offensive or not. Maybe a simple 'okay' from her would put him at ease, but the lack of replies from her scared Kise, that he frantically created another message.

When the Clock Strikes 18:18 ✘ Kuroko no BasukeWhere stories live. Discover now