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"What the hell are we going to do?" Mikey exclaims, throwing his hands up in the air in defeat.

Zach, who is tightly envopoling himself in my hold, jumps at Mikey's voice.

Jake sighs, shooting Mikey a worried glance, he's been offly stressed the last hour.

Ok, so your probably terribly confused on what's going on, well let me fill you in.

After Mikey's break down, which we decided not to mention, we gathered zach and jake into the room to discuss what the hell we are going to do.

And let me tell you, zach was not happy to see me, he nearly threw a book at my head, but that was nearly.

After he found out what was going on, he became puddy in my hands and ended up having a panic attack.

Huh 2 attacks in one day with people I had To help?

Fun right. not.

And of course being the push over I am, I wasn't going to let zach go threw this on his own.

Even though I am still clueless to what the hell he has to do with this, I can tell he's a big part.

And that leaves us to wear we are, Mikey nervously pacing the room, jake sitting on a chair, being clueless I am, and zach in my arms.

"What the fuck is this about anyway, who the hell is harvey" jake whines.

Mikey shoots him a annoyed glance and sighs, whilst I notice Zach stiffen at the same.

All I know is this Harvey, who is Mikey's dad, abused zach.

It's his dad" I tell jake, and that shut jake up right then and there.

It's obvious jake doesn't no about the other half of Mikey's past.

Jake freezes, his mouth forming an o.

"I still feel I'm missing something" he whines 10 minutes later.

Mikey sighs, collapsing into his bed in defeat, whilst Zach rolls his eyes.

"I-I was abused" Mikey admits to jake, causing jake to sputter.

"How long" he asks incredulously.

"11 years" he admits, his eyes averting to the ground.

"Did you know about this savanna?" Jake says, shocked, turning to me.

I shrug innocently, continuing to play with a piece of zachs hair like I didn't hear his question.

"Awe come on, am I the only one shut out here?" Jake whines.

Zach sits up, shooting jake an annoyed glance.

"No" he states, causing Mikey and jake to turn there attention to him.

Zach looks up, obviously not expecting everyone to pay attention to his comment.

Zach shifts uncomfortably, glancing at me and averting his gaze to his hands.

"Why don't you explain it then" Mikey snaps, causing zach to scowl at him.

"Don't fucking tell me what to do" zach growls.

"No, explain why won't you zach, explain about Harvey and greg" Mikey snaps.

"Dont" zach snarls, sending him a warning glare.

"Wait explain what" jake says, but I usher for him to shut up, even though I want to hear just as bad.

"No come on zach, tell jake and savanna" Mikey ushers, pushing zach further.

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