Chapter 6 :: Redemption

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Hey guys! Here's the next chapter - enjoy!
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Chapter 6 :: Redemption

It was the start of the second school day. Jake had a wonderful sleep, as he dreamt about his and Hailey's wedding. Hailey, opposingly, stayed up all night, as she drove past memory lane. She thought about her previous art school, her parents and how she formed a 5-piece band - she was considering having a saxophonist in the band.
"Where's Jake?" Hailey asked.
"I wanted to tell him some information about the band-"
"Jake's late, as expected. You shouldn't have hired a loser as your main singer. The biggest regret you'll ever have to face." Zoey spat feistily, laughing at her own preach. On the other hand, Lia mouthed "sorry" to Hailey, and also mouthed "Wow, you seem jolly today."
Jake arrived at school, panting for breath.
"Hey Jake. Now, I can finally inform you about what I was thinking about last night. Our band needs a jazzy sound - we already have a pianist, a drummer, guitarists, a DJ and a singer, but I think a saxophone or a trombone would be a great addition to the band." Hailey declared, as everyone nodded their heads in agreement.
"That's rad. At least it drowns out Zander's mistakes." Milly pointed out, as Zander's purple eyes gave Milly a death stare.
"It's time for class. Henry, you need to pay the dinner ladies £1.50 for stealing a whole box of lettuce." Miss Jones managed to squeak her announcement across the large hallway. Kids made their way to their classrooms.
"Bye guys. Gotta run fast 'cause I need to sit next to Elliot." Milly enthusiastically chirped, sprinting her way directly opposite Jake's class.

At class:

"Hey class. I need to do the register. Afterwards, everyone can head to their next lesson. I'll need to speak with Drew, Liam and Henry in private-"
"If it's about the lettuce, I've paid it off already. The temptation of caressing the verdant beauty was just-" Henry paused, as he began to drool.

5 minutes later...

"That's the register completed! Off you all go, except Drew, Liam and Henry as mentioned previously." Miss Jones sternly said, as Jake and Hailey watched Drew, Henry and Liam get punished.
"Yup. They saw that punishment coming." Hailey felt a sense of relief and fairness knowing that Jake ditched his so-called friends for his bandmates.
"Yeah. Also, about what you said earlier, I know someone who's a pro-saxophonist. There'll be drama at the start of her journey as a 'music freak', but that's the least she can do to redeem herself." Jake whispered to Hailey, as he didn't want to expose her identity to Drew, Liam or Henry...
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I left it on a cliffhanger since I realised I haven't actually done that throughout the book. I hope you enjoyed this chapter, byee! x

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