Chapter Eight

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I woke up to the sound of banging at the door, I ignored it hoping one of the others would get it. We'd all crashed out in the living room at about four in the morning, and judging by the light coming through the windows it was past midday, I'm surprised no one had woken already. The banging continued and I got up to answer it, either none of them were awake or they were just being equally as lazy.

"Who is it?"

I say sleepily, opening the door with caution, I really didn't want it to be anyone if have to talk too, I was way too tired. As the door fully opened Lucy stands with her hands on her hips looking annoyed, oh yeah I was meant to be in school.

"Skiving is wrong Styles"

She says disapprovingly walking straight in and eyeing up the pitch black living room with three passed out boys hidden beneath the dozens of covers.

"I could say the same to you?"

I laugh, noticing her absence from the school. She smiles as she takes a seat on the sofa, being careful not to step on anybody.

"If you'd have noticed the time you'd know it's lunch, I'm on my break. I told Orla I had forgotten my mobile at home so I could get away, wanted to check you were alright. Turns out you are, just a case of being lazy I see?"

I smile, it was pretty obvious I was just being lazy, I couldn't be bothered to wake up this morning. I decide to change the subject.

"Who's Orla?"

I ask, genuinely confused at who this is.

"Oh she's one of the teachers, the one that lead you into my classroom"

She replies and immediately I remember her, she seemed really nervous and freaked out, wasn't that pretty either.

"Oh the nut job that got flustered from talking to me?"

I smirk as I say this but Lucy looks like I've offended her, oh god.

"Orla is a lovely woman Harry, she was flustered because she had some bad news, her aunt had died"

Lucy says calmly. I suddenly feel a pang of guilt, if that's true then I feel really mean, but Lucy could easily be lying to not make this Orla woman not look like a freak. I'm guessing they're good friends then.

"Well i'm very sorry to hear that"

I say, not quite sure how else to reply seeming as I wasn't sure if she was telling the truth. Just as i'm about to offer her some lunch the door opens again and Louis walks in, he'd obviously stayed the night at Eleanors after I told him he had to go out, I felt really guilty as the rest of the boys were here. 

"Oh so they're allowed to stay in my appartment but i'm not"

Louis says with a laugh but I can tell he is annoyed with me, I don't blame him, it does look bad. 

"I'm sorry about last night, I didn't know the boys were coming round. I planned for it to be just me and Lucy which is why I rushed you out."

As I say this he looks over to Lucy and she gives a small wave, he smiles in return, but he looks confused. 

"Lucy, the ex-girlfriend who demanded her stuff back and acted all crazy?"

He asks quietly but loud enough so that Lucy hears and looks at me accusingly, oh yeah that's who I told Louis she was the other day. 

"Yeah but we've sorted things out, we're friends now. She's in some of my classes"

I explain so that it matches what I told the others, Louis nodds slowly taken it in. 

"Fair enough, lovely to meet you Lucy"

He says kindly, offering her his hand to shake, she shakes it gently a smile creeping to her lips replacing the scowl that was aimed at me for the lie that I made up. 

"Do you want any lunch?"

I ask them both. Louis nodds but Lucy shakes her head

"I only said I was going home to get my mobile, i've stayed longer than I should have."

"Ooo skipping school when we shouldn't be?"

Louis says jokingly and Lucy smiles at his joke, I can't help but feel guilty though that i'm keeping a secret from him. He's my best friend and I was lying to him, oh well I guess it had to be done. 

"You bet, see you later Harry, See you Louis"

She says sweetly, getting up and placing a kiss on my cheek before leaving. Louis looked at me with a grin on his face

"I think someone likes her"

He jokes, punching me lightly in the stomach 

"How could you possibly tell?"

"Because you're blushing"

Louis chimes like a little school boy pinching my cheeks together, I push him off laughing, he was a loveable idiot. 

"I'll have  some toast please"

He says to me before going to wake the others up by jumping on them, i'm glad I wasn't still asleep otherwise I would be really annoyed at being woken like that. 

Harry Styles is My Student, And I Think I'm in LoveWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu