Chapter Twelve

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"If you fall asleep I get to stay the night"

Harry whispered in my ear as we cuddled on my sofa watching a film. It was midnight already but i'd told Harry that he'd have to go, he'd moaned but we'd come to an agreement, it looked like he wasn't happy with this deal though...


I start to complain but he strokes my hair softly and I lay my head back gently into his chest, breathing in his unique smell.

"Please, I won't be any trouble"

He whispers sweetly, continuing to stroke my hair. I consider it briefly. Would it really matter if he stayed? Who would even care? Besides, I liked having someone to cuddle, it was a pleasant change to be lonely and chilly whilst falling asleep.

"Fine, but on one condition"

I say seriously, but a small smirk has already crept onto my lips.

"Seriously?! yeah sure anything!"

He says, now clearly excited that he's allowed to stay.

"You have to cook me breakfast tomorrow"

I smile cheekily up at him and he looks down at me with a smile on his face. He stroked a piece of hair off my face.

"Of course I will."

He smiles, then he leans down gently and places the softest kiss upon my lips, just the touch sends butterfly's through my body.

"You really are beautiful, how did I manage to get a girl like you?"

He says seriously, but I can't help but giggle a little. It was a nice thing to say but was he having a laugh? He must've dated celebrities and he went out with that Caroline Flack or whatever her name is, she's pretty! How could I ever be in the same class as them? He was clearly just being polite.

"You're too sweet to me Harry. But once again you're forgetting about Mrs Lobby"

I joke, referring once again to the manly PE teacher.

"You know she teaches me, and she's not that bad looking, lovely smile, she's really friendly. Comes and talks to me when I'm getting changed"

I sit up sharply, the teachers weren't allowed in the locker rooms? That was ridiculous, what was she some sort of pervert?!

"Harry?! You have to report that! That's like child abuse!"

I say in shock, Harry's face suddenly creases up however and he bursts into laughter.

"Oh my god you're face, I didn't think you'd fall for that"

He says through his laughter, I whack him over the face with my pillow.

"Don't hit me I'm beautiful"

He says jokingly, putting his hands to cover his face. I sit up and pin him down to the sofa holding my arm over his neck to hold him.

"Do you know what my last boyfriend made me do?"

I say dead seriously, no hint of a smile what so ever, looking deadly into his eyes.


He asks, a smile still on his lips but I can tell that there's a little bit of concern in his voice.

"He told me that my best friend had sent naked pictures to him, so without thinking I went over to her house and killed her dog. But you can't tell anyone, okay?"

Harry's face had completely dropped and looked like he could be sick, did he really think I was an animal killer?!

"Lucy I don't think...."

He starts to say but I cut him off

"Don't make me angry or I'll find a dog that's close to your heart and.."

I run a finger across my throat as if to say it'll be dead. Harry's now turned pale and looks like he could faint.

"You seriously think I'm a dog murderer you complete weirdo!?"

I burst out laughing, Harry sits up and breathes a massive sigh of relief.

"Fuuuuucking hell Lucy I thought you was for real, I didn't know what to do! You should be an actress"

He laughs and I fall back into his arms for a cuddle.

"And then if you were it would also be legal for us to be together"

He says truthfully, I smile weakly. If only it was that simple.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 01, 2014 ⏰

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