Chapter Six

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"Are you going out later?"

I asked Louis impatiently, I thought he would've left sooner and I really didn't want him to see Lucy here. I'd managed to convince him the other day that she was just some ex-girlfriend, so I didn't want her to actually tell him who she was. It would just get even more complicated than it already was. 

"Wasn't planning on it, I thought we were staying in?"

Lou said innocently, looking at me with confusion. I hadn't told him I had someone coming round.

"You always go out, go see Eleanor or something?"

I asked frustrated, Lucy would be here really soon and I wanted him to be gone.

"Oh I thought tonight was our night just us guys, but it's fine, if i'm not wanted...."

He said awkwardly, I could tell that he was hurt, but I honestly couldn't care less right now. I'd apologise in the morning, he'd get over it. 

"Thanks, see you later"

I say and I immediately feel a bit cruel, he gets up and slips some shoes on and then heads for the door. Should I say sorry? No not now, there isn't time.

"This is my place as well as yours"

Louis said coldly before opening the door and leaving, I sighed at how dramatic he was being. I'd asked him to go out, he didn't need to act like an injured puppy and go around making me feel bad. I didn't need that right now, I had more important things to worry about. I rushed around tidying the apartment, she looked like the sort of woman that wouldn't appreciate mess.

Just as i'm dimming the lights down there's a knock at the door, i'm guessing that it's Lucy. As I open the door I don't find Lucy, I find my three of my band mates looking extremly excited for reason. Zayn, Liam and Niall stand at the door with bags full of stuff, why were they here? This is all going wrong.

"Have we walked in on something we shouldn't have?"

Niall asks jokingly, un-dimming the lights and looking around the apartment

"Where's Louis? Us five were all having a night in weren't we?"

They all stare at me questioningly, oh, was that tonight? Maybe that's what Louis was on about, guilt creeps over me, I should've listened to him. It didn't matter though, Lucy was coming over, I couldn't have them here. It would cause to many questions. 

"He went out, to see Eleanor I think. Maybe we should do it another time then, when he's here?"

I ask smoothly, hoping they'll agree to do it next week or something. 

"No it's got to be tonight, we'll just have to do it without him"

Liam shrugs, shutting the door behind him. But Seconds after the door has shut there is a light knock at the door, my stomach twists, that had to be Lucy. Brilliant, now I was going to have to lie to them about who she was, or I could just tell the truth to them although I knew that'd i'd be told off by Liam. Oh well, I could handle it.

"Who is it?"

Zayn asks quietly, maybe expecting it to be a fan. I walk over to the door and open it, this time to see Lucy standing there, looking beautifully dressed with a big smile on her lips, and then she sees the boys. She looks slightly confused. I smile weakly at her, this wasn't how i'd planned things to go. This night was going to be a disaster. 

Harry Styles is My Student, And I Think I'm in LoveTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang