Chapter One

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                                                      4 MONTHS BEFORE 


"Have you heard?"

My friend Orla, who was also a teacher at Seabrook High secondary school, asked keenly as we walked into the school together. Since starting to teach at this school at the beginning of the year me and Orla had been good friends, she had shown me the ropes. If it wasn't for her I still would be completely lost and petrified of all the children. 

"Heard about what?"

I reply, confused by her question, she often started sentences without much warning to them, it was confusing a lot of the time but sometimes I managed to understand what she was on about. 

"The new sixth former, he's starting today, it's that boy from One Direction, Harry Styles"

She babbled excitedly, I raised my eyebrow. I'd heard of the group, they were contestants on some sort of show, I recognized the name. 

"Oh right, weren't they on 'Britians Got Talent' or something?"

I question, not really too interested in the subject. I hadn't heard too much about him, so he can't be that famous. Oh wait, was he the one that slept with that Caroline Flack? There was some huge deal made out of it. Maybe that was him.

"No, the X-Factor! They didn't win but they're big now, they're a worldwide band!"

Orla looks as if she might explode talking about this band, I sighed, it was cute really. Orla was in her thirties now, surely she should be over fan-girling by now? Oh well I guess it stays with some people forever, me on the other hand, I had just turned twenty-one and had no interest in any bands or famous people. I was realist. There was no point in day-dreaming. 

"Oh cool, well I teach sixth forms, I might get him"

I shrug, quite bored of talking about him. Orla's mouth drops open and she looks like she cry, she stops right in the middle of the hallway, quite a few of the kids around us start snickering at her. 

"You lucky little shit!"

She exclaims without thinking, then clasps her hand over her mouth in shock. A few of the kids heard but none were bothered, they were used to Orla swearing, she often couldn't hold it in as she had just showed. 

"I don't know where that came from, sorry. But honestly Lucy, if he's in your class I will beg anyone to let me swap classes with you. I would do anything"

She pleaded, and we continued walking towards our classrooms that were opposite each other, we arrived at each of our doors and waited outside to finish our chat.

"Orla, if you think I am swapping my usually quiet sixth formers for your rowdy year ten class you can think again! You haven't got a chance in hell"

I said happily, and she pouted before turning to go into her class. I'm glad I had at least one friend in this school, Orla had told me in confidence that before I came she just used to eat by herself and walk around on her own, none of the other teachers liked her that much. I couldn't imagine it, I'm so glad I could have a friend here. I walked into my class full of happy chatter about the weekend just passed.

"Miss Waterbow, my dad thinks you're fit"

One of my louder students, Joel stated, he had been seated at the front of the class for obvious reasons. It wasn't that I disliked Joel, but he was a bit of a handful, he was never dis-respectful to me though, which I was grateful for.

Harry Styles is My Student, And I Think I'm in LoveDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora