Chapter Five

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*** HARRY'S P.O.V ***

"One minute. That's all you're getting."

Miss said in that gorgous voice of hers, I smiled at the challenge. It wasn't normally hard for me to get women, this had been the trickiest yet. I don't know what is was about her though, I guess it was the fact that I wasn't allowed her that made me want her so much. 

"I don't really know where to begin, but I guess I could start by shutting the door"

I say gently, walking over and closing the door softly, I then turn back to Miss Waterbow and she is looking straight at me, interest in her eyes. I know she wants me. She's just not letting herself admit it. 

"Okay, well here goes. I think you are one of the most beautiful women i've ever met, your hair is perfect and the blue eyes just make me crazy about you. And your figure...."

I start but the puts her fingers to my lips, her touch sends a shock down my body.

"Stop. Don't tell me about appearance, explain to me how we could ever be together"

She raises her eyebrow as if this was some sort of trick question, like I wouldn't be able to answer. It was simple though, I don't know why she couldn't see how easy it would be. She pulls her finger back, letting me begin talking again.

"That's simple, neither of us tells anyone, ever. You'd loose your job and i'd be in serious trouble with managment for dating my teacher. It wouldn't benifit either of us by telling."

I smile happily, but she still doesn't look convinced. I decide to up my game and turn on my charm, that famous charm that got all the girls I ever wanted.

"I know it's wrong, and I understand why you don't want too, but trust me. I will never let this secret out. You are too beautiful to let go of, I could never risk loosing you."

I step towards her so that my face is close to hers, I can smell her perfume and the faint smell of mints. I rest my hand on her cheek and stare into her eyes, making sure that she knew how good we could be

"So what do you say Miss Waterbow?"

I whisper softly, stroking away a stray piece of hair from her head. She looks deep into my eyes, clearly thinking about my offer, she needed to say yes. 

"Okay Harry, fine. But only on one condition.."


"Call me Lucy"

She smiles sweetly before leaning in and gently placing a kiss onto my lips, I grin at my success. She then pulls away, a satisfied smile on her face.

"I'll come to your place after school. There's not much we can do here"

She says softly, turning and heading back to her desk. Did that mean what I thought it did? Or was I just thinking dirtily? 


I say in response, and then head for the door to go to my next lesson. 

"Oh, one last thing Harry"

She calls out to me, I turn eagerly to face her

"You have homework due in tomorrow, so I can't stay too late"

She grins smugly and then gets out some of her papers, I laugh lightly, she was un-believable. She'd turn from this innocent goody-two-shoes to some flirty woman in a matter of minutes, I guess I had that effect on women. 

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