Chapter Eleven

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I gently take a bite into the freshly baked cake that me and Harry had spent about two hours working solidly on to make perfect, turns out we'd done something wrong, because the cake crumbled completely and tasted absolutely vile.


He asks sweetly, I debate whether to lie or not but he was obviously going to find out, so I go over to the bin and spit the cake out dramatically.

"Yeah really nice actually"

I say sarcastically turning back to Harry, he bursts into laughter and takes a bite of the cake to see for himself, his face immediately crinkles up and scrunches up because of the unusual taste, he swallows hard and looks at me with disgust.

"What did we do wrong?!"

He asks, laughter creeping into his voice and I can't help but laugh too, I knew I wasn't a good cook but messing up a simple cake is pretty embarrassing by anyone's standards. Just as i'm about to go through the ingredients we used there's a knock at the door, and my whole body freezes. Harry stops what he's doing as well and looks pretty concerned.

"Fuck. fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck"

I repeat stupidly, not knowing what else to do or say.

"Repeatedly swearing isn't going to help the situation, I'll go hide in the bedroom, get rid of whoever it is"

Harry decides, rushing quickly to the bedroom. I head to the door and open it with caution, please don't be anyone from school.

"Lucy darling!!"

The shrill voice of my mother chimes out as she hugs me before walking into my living room without even being invited.

"Mum stop what are you doing here?!"

I say almost angrily, standing in front of her and blocking her from going anywhere else in the house.

"Lucy what's the matter...."

She asks, but her eyes travel down and spot Harry's shoes, her eyes brighten with excitement. For God sake how did I manage to forget to move his shoes, this is a disaster.

"You've got yourself a man here?!"

She whispers excitedly. I hadn't had a boyfriend for a while and my mother was always expressing her concerns of me growing old alone despite the facts i'm only 21 and have ages to find someone. It was ridiculous. Could Harry even be classed as a man, wasn't he technically still a boy in most peoples eyes?


I whisper back angrily, insinuating that I wanted her to leave immediately. Her face brightens instantly and she switches into ninja mode, tip-toeing gently to the front door and opening it silently.

"Use a condom"

She whispers in a deadly serious tone before turning and walking back to her car. I cringed as I shut the door. Sure, everyone's mum was a little embarrassing at times, in-appropriate maybe, but my mum seriously took it to the limits. Some of the things she said you would expect to come from a teenage boy.

"All clear"

I call out loudly, but there's no reply, I frown slightly, surely he heard me. It's only a small flat.


I call again, wondering to the bedroom, as I open the door I gasp at what I find. Harry is lying on the bed naked except for a pair of my underwear. I stared in shock what was he doing?! The grin on his face showed that he thought it was very smooth, but I couldn't bring myself to do anything but burst into hysteric laughing.


He says, he was laughing too but I could sense a hint of dissapointment in his voice.

"We haven't even watched the film yet, get dressed!"

I giggle, throwing him his trousers that he had tossed on the floor. I turn and walk back to the kitchen and run a hand through my hair, taking a deep breath in. Wine. I was going to need some wine if I was going to look at him again without seeing him like that.



Sorry it's been such a wait for this chapter but I hope you enjoyed it! Thank you all so so much for all your lovely comments and votes, it really does mean so much to me and makes me so so happy! So keep it up!

I've also recently got an editor which I do feel I really need, so I am really grateful. Her username is @lex2484 and I really recomend you following her and reading her stuff because she deserves it!


Harry Styles is My Student, And I Think I'm in LoveOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant