Chapter Two

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"That was a really interesting class Miss Waterbow"

I heard Harry's voice close behind me as the rest of the class filtered out of the room. Soon It was just me and him left in the room. My heart pace quickened slightly, i'm not quite sure why.

"I'm glad you enjoyed it, you like Shakespeare?"

I asked intrigued, usually any class that I taught hated Shakespeare and couldn't wait for it to be finished. It was refreshing to have a change of attitude. 

"Not particularly, but I like you, so it made it a lot more enjoyable"

He grinned, and despite my best efforts to conceal it a blush crept onto my cheeks. 

"Well i'm glad i've made a good impression"

"It would be pretty hard not too, looking as stunning as you do"

He said smoothly, he then sat on the edge of the table, looking straight into my eyes. I laughed, not quite sure what to say. No student had ever called me stunning, I was told that if a student ever had a crush on a teacher I should report it. But it was his first day, I didn't want to get him in trouble. Besides, I sort of enjoyed the attention.

"Now Harry, I don't know what you're getting at, but if you're insinuating that you have some sort of crush on me, then forget it. I'm your teacher, that would be completely un-acceptable"

I laughed again, I couldn't imagine how much trouble I would get in if something were to happen between me and him. He was a charming and good looking boy no doubt, but it just wouldn't be allowed.

"It would only be un-acceptable if people knew about it"

He said softly, stepping closer to me. I had to catch my breath slightly, why was this boy making me act so strange? I normally had great composure, but now I was lost for words, he was having an unusual affect on me.

"Harry, please. Think about this, you're looking for a fling, go talk with some of the girls in your classes! Not your teacher for God sake, if you leave now i'll forget you ever said anything, but if you continue with this i'll have to call the head"

I begin to sound stern, this was serious. He couldn't honestly think that he stood a chance with dating a teacher, though there was something about him that lured me in. I think he knew that I was slightly interested, which is why he was so persistent. I wouldn't cave though, I promised myself. 

"I don't want any of the girls at this school, i've set my sites on you, and trust me, I usually get what I want"

He grinned and headed for the door, walking confidently away.

"Not this time"

I called out, but I wasn't sure if he heard. Dam it, what was that? How had he had that effect on me so soon, i'd known him for an hour and yet I felt like I had something with him. Well I didn't, forget about it Lucy. That's never going to happen.

"Soo, how was it!"

Orla came through along with my next sixth form class, she looked really excited.

"If you're talking about Harry Styles, then fine. There's something weird about him though, he seems a bit of flirt"

"Oh he is! He'll be flirting with all the girls in your class, trust me on that!"

She babbles, if only she knew the truth. I decided not to tell her, I didn't want to get him in any sort of trouble. He was clearly just being a bit cheeky, trying his luck. He should settle down soon enough. 

"I'll meet you in the food court for lunch"

I say, not really sure what else to reply to her. She nods happily and walks back into her classroom, I then begin my second lesson for the day. And yet all I keep thinking about is Harry. 

Harry Styles is My Student, And I Think I'm in LoveWhere stories live. Discover now