Chapter Three

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I approached the address that Harry had given me at lunch, it was a flat which I wasn't expecting. I was expecting his family to live in some huge mansion with horses and a pool, this seemed rather average compared to what I was thinking. I knocked gingerly at the door, almost immediately it was opened

"Hello, can I help you?"

An attractive looking boy says with a smile, it wasn't Harry, this boy looked older than him. More around my age. I smiled politely, maybe it was his brother? Though they looked nothing alike. 

"Er yeah, I need to pick up my schedule, from Harry. He does live here right?"

I start to panic, what if he's given me the wrong address on purpose, knowing i'll go there so he can laugh at me? I can't imagine how humiliating that would be.

"Yeah sure, come right through, he's just popped out to get something, he'll be back in a sec. Cup of tea?"

The stranger asks, I nod shyly, heading into his flat. It was nicely decorated, I would admit. Though it was a complete tip. The boy heads off into what I presume is the kitchen and I take a seat on their sofa. I feel slightly awkward, I didn't really want to be here. 

"So, I take it your Harry's brother?"

I call out to the boy, he comes through with two cups, passing me one. I thank him before he answers my question.

"Brother, best friend, boyfriend, it changes a lot"

He smiles, and then I am confused. Harry was gay? So why was he flirting with me like that?

"Oh, I didn't realise Harry was gay"

I say truthfully, i'm hoping he will explain. I hadn't heard anything in the news about him being gay, though I didn't read about him a lot. So I guess I wouldn't know.

"Well he says he's not, but I wouldn't be so sure, he always seems..."

He starts to talk but I cut him off, he was confusing me completely

"But you're his boyfriend?"

"No, no, I was joking around, don't you know who I am?"

He asks, he seems slightly shocked, I shuffle in my seat un-comfortably, was he a celebrity too? Was I expected to know who he was? I felt really guilty

"I don't actauly.. sorry"

I shrug awkwardly, he smiles which shows he isn't angry to my relief

"I'm Louis Tomlinson, i'm in One Direction with Harry"

Oh, that would make sense. Why didn't I think of that? Now he mentioned it his face did look familiar

"Oh right, and you live together, just you two?"

"Yup, every since the band got together. You a fan?"

He said expectantly, oh god, I wasn't a fan. I really wasn't. I knew none of their songs, maybe that one that got big a little while back, you are beautiful or something? I decided to lie, to spare his feelings.

"Oh yes, i'm definitely a big fan"

I smiled, he smiled back happily, please don't ask me any questions, please please don't.

"What's your favourite song?"

He asked, sipping carefully at his drink, my smile froze, for god sake. There was nothing I could say! 

"I liked you are beautiful, that was a good one"

I smile nervously, he frowns slightly, and then thankfully the door opens and Harry walks in. It couldn't have been better timing. He was carrying a bag of shopping, his face brightened when he saw me.

"You made it, want some wine?"

He says cheesily, pulling out a bottle which he had obviously just bought. Was he even old enough to drink?!

"No thanks, could I just have my schedule. I've got things to do"

"No you haven't, in the book it says you have no plans for tonight, except for watching a movie with me and Lou"

He smiles and seems so happy, but I couldn't! Why couldn't he get it into his head that I wasn't allowed to do any of this. Even me just being at his house would be against the rules. 

"No Harry, just give it to me. I can't be here"

"But why?"

"I've explained it to you a billion times, if you don't give it to me now then i'll report you, okay? We are never going to happen, get that into your thick head"

I say more angrily than I should off, he looks quite offended, but it needed to be done. He just didn't seem to understand how much trouble I would get in. He heads over to the table and pulls out my schedule, handing it over to me.

"It was worth a shot"

He says quietly, looking upset. I was going to comfort him but then decided against the idea, he needed to get over this stupid crush.

"Thank you. And thanks for the cup of tea."

I call out to Louis, he smiles awkwardly, clearly not knowing what was going on. I then walk out of his flat and start walking at speed to my house. This had been a stressful day.

Harry Styles is My Student, And I Think I'm in LoveTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang