Chapter Ten

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***Lucy's P.O.V***

The sound of my Cat Bluebell scratching at my door woke me up, although it was already ten i'd wanted a proper lay in, I was always so tired these days. 

"You're such an annoying cat, I hate you."

I growl grumpily, slightly over-reacting because of the early awakening. Blubell obliviously purred happily, rubbing herself against my feet. I kick her gently off me and head to the kitchen to make myself some breakfast, I was always miserable in the morning until I had some food. Just as I was pouring some cereal my doorbell went, it was most likely the postman. Not even thinking about what I looked like I went over and opened the door.

"Morning gorgeous"

Said the cheeky voice that belonged to Harry Styles. What the hell was he doing here?! I never gave him my address so how had he found me? And more importantly I was looking a complete mess with no make-up and only wearing a baggy t-shirt. 

"Why are you here?!"

I say desperastly, checking the street to see if anyone could see him. If they knew I was seeing him I would get in so much trouble, this couldn't be worth the risk. 

"Why do you always sound so dissappointed to see me?"

He asked with a pout, I grabbed his coat and yanked him in, shutting the door behind him. I couldn't risk anyone walking past and recognising either of us, then it would all be over. Harry got the wrong idea though and pulled me into a bear hug.

"Awh I knew you were glad to see me really"

He grinned smugly, I didn't want to hurt his feelings by telling him I didn't actually want a hug, so I just went along with it. I notice he's carrying a couple of tesco bags full with what I persumed was food.

"What's in the bags?"

I asked, trying to peer into the bag to see what he'd brought.

"In this bag is stuff to make a cake, cause I thought you might like making cakes? And I definetly like eating cakes, so yeah, and in this bag is a whole load of chocolate and sweets and a film I thought we could watch."

He smiled at me so sweetly I couldn't help but melt a little inside, he was so cute. However I actually happened to hate baking, I was the least creative person ever and it would almost certianly turn out awful. 

"I'm awful at baking, but we can give it a go"

I laugh lightly, I could at least try after he had gone through all this effort just to give me a good day. 

"But first, how did you find out where I lived?"

I ask curiously, starting to un-pack the cake making stuff onto the kitchen sides. 

"Promise not to get annoyed with her?"

He asked with a mischevious grin, immediantly I knew what he'd done.

"Harry you can't ask Orla things about me! She is completley star struck by you and will tell you anything, please don't"

I say almost with a laugh, Orla had such little self-control. She was so 'in love' with Harry that she would probably give him her credit card details if he asked. 

"Okay okay, I just wanted to see you, is that a crime?"

He smiled sweetly, revealing his perfect white teeth and dimples. I felt my cheeks blush, why was I falling for him so easily?! This wasn't like me at all!

"I guess not, but warn me next time, and i'll asked get dressed properly"

I laugh, embbarassed by my lack of clothing.

"No, I quite like this outfit"

He grins, wrapping his arms around my waist causing my top to ride up, almost revealing my knickers. I grab my top and pull it down.

"Stop that"

I say sternly, wacking him playfully over the head. He pulls his hands up to his head in mock surrender.

"Lets start making this cake then"

I say, staring at all the ingredients, I was actually quite looking forward to baking and having a movie night. It sounded one of the most intresting weekends i'd had in a while. And as much as I hated to admit it, I was sort of enjoying my company...


Hey guys! 

Hoped you liked my new chapter, sorry you had to wait so long! :-) 

Please let me know what you think, I really aprieciate all comments and votes, they make me so happy! :-)

Thank you so so much for reading! Have a good day!


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