Chapter 7

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"This! No, this one is better! No, let's go to the other one!" Nathan had a big dilemma in choosing a beach for a walk... "Nathan, it's not like we're going to a fashion show, we're just going for a walk on the beach" Stana joked and Nathan finally turned left and parked the car next to a classic Los Angeles beach. "You see it's not that hard to choose a beach, this one is great" Stana confirmed, the duo started walking around the beach and Nathan started talking: "You know I came to this beach when I first came to Los Angeles and..." "Sush!"before he could finish Stana interrupted him.."I'm sorry, I thought...just forget it" Nathan replied disappointedly, of course, you idiot, why the hell would she care about the story when you first came to Los Angeles, he scolded himself as he mumbled into his chin...
"I didn't mean to interrupt you, but listen, do you hear anything in the distance?" She explained as she tried to discern the sound from a distance, Nathan joined her in that attempt, but when they failed to figure anything out, they decided to simply head in the direction the sound was coming from...No, there's no way this is happening, this right here now? No, no, Nathan thought just like Stana: what is this now? If someone asked me, I would say this is impossible to happen, but here we are... Both were stunned as they approached the beats of a song they already recognized, playing no more and no less than DURAN DURAN, the same DURAN DURAN when the two of them went for a walk in Central Park before filming the pilot episode of Castle. "Wow, this is destiny" Nathan whispered with a smile as they approached the event, a song that brought them closer for the first time they met. "Did you just say 'destiny'?" Stana asked with the outlines of a smile on her face. "Destiny?, I said rarity, ya, rarity, that's what I said" Nathan was all confused looking for words that could rhyme "destiny" to cover up what he actually said and the best he came up with was "rarity".
"Okay if you say so" Stana continued to listen with a smile to the lyrics of the same song that she and Nathan listened to twelve years ago...As if nothing had changed, as if she is standing in Central Park right now and will start filming the first episode of Castle later, that's the feeling she had now. Yeah, really like he's back there again in that same Central Park, year 2009, he will soon embody Richard Castle for the first time, and Stana will soon become Kate Beckett. Really everything is the same, that same woman is standing next to him now, she is still beautiful just like the first time he laid his eyes on her. Nathan thought about the moment this song reminded him of and remembered that moment with an unusually large dose of joy and a smile, because that was the moment he shared with Stana. Believe it or not, he still keeps the ticket from that concert he went to with Stana at the time. But to his surprise, he would be very surprised to learn that Stana was doing the same thing, she kept a ticket to the first concert they went together to get to know each other better. The interesting thing was that they both enjoyed this moment so much, almost leaning against each other and enjoying listening to the song, but they didn't, they prevented themselves before it could happen and neither wanted to show it to each other. Nathan didn't know what to do with his hands,he wanted so badly to wrap them around Stana and pull her closer, but...he knows he can't do that and he assumes Stana wouldn't even want that, so he gave up and put his hands in his pockets to prevent himself from doing so...As Stana stood next to him, thinking how nice it would be if she could lean on something, and her eyes kept running to Nathan's chest as the perfect place to lean,, she can't do that, what would Nathan said to that? No, no, he put his hands in his pockets, which means he obviously wants his private space, Stana calculated, and if she only knew the reason why Nathan's hands were in his pockets.
They were like insecure teenagers, if this was any other woman, he would kiss her and show how he feels, so hell everything if she doesn't share the same feelings, he would get over it...but this is Stana and he doesn't want to destroy what they have. And what exactly do they have?? Friendship?? No, this is circling until the fuel runs out, just like Tamala's character in Castle said. At the same moment, similar thoughts came to Stana's mind: this is like Castle and Beckett in real life, so why on earth is it so hard to act like it was written in the script for Castle? Why are things not simple? And why does everything have to be so complicated? Why doesn't she pull him by shirt now, kiss him and tell him "I just want you". Why is something stopping her? Why every time she tries to reach out to touch him as if some invisible force is stopping her in that attempt? Is it perhaps remorse because she is married to Kris, and her thoughts, since that night at the bar parking lot, are again just about Nathan. "But really why does this have to be so difficult and complicated?" Nathan and Stana asked themselves the same question at the same time but neither of them said anything out loud. Maybe because those real and valuable things are worth the wait, for now both have contented themselves with this answer, but the moment their eyes met, the answer they had just given themselves faded and countless questions began to surface in their heads again...and so it will be over and over again until one of them makes the first move and admits their feelings, but the real question is who will it be?

Chapter 7 is here!
Hope you like the idea!
Chapter 8 soon🤍!

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