Chapter 12

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Damn that hand! It hurts like hell, his hand is all swollen and he can barely hold the steering wheel with it. His face twitches in a spasm of pain and he can't help himself, but he'll get to her apartment, even if his whole fist fell off in pain, but he has to get to her! He knew he was to blame for everything that was happening to him. And let that hand hurt him, let that hand hurt him so damn because that's how it comes back to him, he can't even imagine how she must have felt when he told her all that, he was not in the least sorry for himself... "Ahh!" He squeaked through his teeth from the pain that was pounding in his hand with all it might when he stopped the car in the parking lot in front of Stana's apartment. He knocked on the door of her apartment. One knock..nothing..another knock..nothing, but he won't give up, if need he will spend the whole day in front of her apartment knocking on her door...And the third knock turned out to be lucky, because the door began to open slowly. "What do you want Nathan or did you knock wrong?" Stana asked sarcastically in an irritated voice and was ready to close the door. "Wait, you have every right to slam the door right in front of my face, but please wait" He wanted to stop her from closing the door and in that attempt he wanted to use his right hand, but only when he lifted it a little into the air his whole body numb in pain. "Nathan, what's wrong with that hand?" Now Stana's expression changed from annoyed to worried. "It's nothing" He ignored the subject of his hand, which was probably broken or at least cracked. "This is certainly not nothing, your hand is twice the size of what it should be and all flooded" Stana continued in a worried tone, despite everything that happened this morning, it doesn't mean that she will be a careless bitch towards him because she just can't behave like that, she's not that type of person, she has too good and uncorrupted character to behave like that. "Let go my hand with the hell!, this is not about my hand, this is about me being a real jerk towards you" Nathan started and then continued "Come on, feel free to tell me straight in my face what an idiot I am because I deserve it, you have every right to hate me and never want talk to me again, I can apologize to you a thousand times and it will never be enough, I know I hurt you well and I hate myself for it. And I'll kneel in front of you if I have to, just don't kick me out of your life, please. This is not just talking nonsense, I-I... if you still want or feel the need to, feel free to close the door right in front of my nose, I know that's the only thing I deserve." After he finished he bowed his head and looked at the floor, he had no strength to look her in the eyes, how ashamed he was of his behavior this morning. "You really think I'd slam the door on you and leave you alone in the hallway after this speech of yours?" She asked trying to look serious, but after hearing everything Nathan had just said she couldn't bring a smile off her face. "I would leave myself there and slam the door, if you do so, I totally agree with you because an idiot like me deserves it!" He murmured softly. "Yes, you're an idiot, but you're my idiot so come on in and let's look at that hand of yours" She smiled quite sweetly and opened the door wider so Nathan could enter the apartment. No, it couldn't go unnoticed by Nathan that she called him "my idiot", after hearing that, if Stana hadn't come back with bandages, he would have completely forgotten about his sore arm. "Let me see" Stana carefully unwrapped the bandages that Nathan had previously wrapped very clumsily. Just as she began to wrap new bandages around Nathan's hand, he winced "Hey, you know I'm not going to hurt you" She spoke in a gentle voice as she finished the last layer of wrapping around his hand. "Here Chuck Norris, you're ready to go" She joked when she was done, this time Nathan's hand was much better wrapped. "Re...ready to..go?" He asked in a gloomy voice and looked weakly into her eyes. "Oh, no I didn't mean that" She corrected what she said with a smile."Maybe...maybe I'd better go-" Nathan began with a still gloomy voice, but in his intention to get up from the couch he was stopped by a pair of well-known hands catching his left, healthy hand..."You're not going anywhere" Stana smiled and took his hand in hers "Someone needs to take care of that hand of yours" "Oh, don't worry, I can do it on my own" He started taking his coat again, but this time his hand stopped him, at one point the pain spread throughout his body. "Nathan, that hand really bothers you, you should see a doctor" Stana suggested in a worried voice as she watched Nathan hold his injured arm and another spasm of pain formed on his face. "I'll be like new tomorrow morning, I'm just going home and I'm going to put on some ice" He knew he wanted to stay here, but somehow it didn't make sense... "Ah no, I'm not letting you drive all the way home in state like this, you're staying here tonight, wait here, I'll be right back!" Stana exclaimed as she entered the room and in a few minutes came back into the living room with a pillow and blankets that she placed on the couch next to Nathan. "Couch or bed?" Stana offered sleeping options. "Couch, I won't kick you out of your bed in your own house" Nathan immediately settled on the couch, it was already a little late, and he wanted to try to get some sleep, he hadn't slept properly for days because of one certain woman who occupied his thoughts. "Good night, Nathan" Stana said good night to him and headed for her room. "Um...Stana" He called to her softly, and she immediately turned around as if she was waiting for him to utter her name "Ya?" "Um...can you help me cover myself? You know...I can't do it with one hand..." He asked shyly in a voice Stana had never heard from his mouth as he continued to struggle with blanket and tried to cover himself, but to no avail. Maybe after a while he would succeed himself, but somehow he preferred her to cover him, he wanted her to cover him..."Here, now you're tucked in" After covering him, Stana wished him good night once more and added "If you need anything, just wake me up" Nathan nodded, Stana gave him one final smile and with that she entered the bedroom, and Nathan leaned back on the couch and waited for sleep to take over....

"Ughhh!" Nathan let out a painful sigh, stretched his healthy hand to the table where his watch stood...2 AM and he hasn't even closed his eyes properly since he went to bed! He thought that damn hand would be better, but nothing, it still hurts like someone is beating him with a hammer. What is he going to do now? He won't wake Stana because it's enough that she let him stay over...he'll find a solution on his own...Ice! He'll put ice on his hand! It dawned on him and he immediately got up in a hurry to go in search of ice. But in that attempt to find ice, he forgot how demanding it can be when you have only one hand that serves you properly... "Bom!" There was a crash and instead of the ice found, all the groceries from the fridge fell straight on Nathan... "Nathan! What is happening?" A figure resembling Stana appeared in the kitchen, but he couldn't be quite sure it was her until the light came on and it discovered Stana on one side of the kitchen and Nathan on the other while all the groceries from the fridge were around him on the floor. "I...I wanted to get ice...for this stupid hand!" "So it still hurts?" "Like hell" He retorted, holding his right hand."Come here" Stana gave him the gesture to come to the couch while holding the requested ice in her hand. "Here, it's better now" She gently laid the ice on Nathan's aching hand. " can go back to bed if you want...I can do it myself...and I'd try to get some sleep if I can" He muttered, and Stana gave him one of her looks "If you want to sleep, you can" Stana placed a pillow in her lap and showed Nathan that he could lie down. "Um...I-" "You can lie down, I don't bite" Stana joked and Nathan lay with his head in her lap while she held the ice on his hand, and Nathan's eyes were already starting to close slightly...

She couldn't help but look at the man sleeping in her lap. He looked so innocent, calm as his torso rose and fell rhythmically with each exhale-inhale. And the next moment she knew, her hand ran gently over his hair...It was the perfect moment and it would last until Nathan woke up, but a loud knock on the door broke the blissful silence of the moment...Nathan suddenly winced.
"Open that damn door!" Stana heard a familiar voice screaming as she walked toward the door. "What the fuck is this?!" Kris threw papers in front of Stana after she opened the door. "If you are able to read then you will know that it says 'Divorce Papers' and please don't shout, it's three in the morning, some people are trying to sleep!" Stana added in a raised voice and now they were both shouting. "Hey why so much shouting?" Nathan asked confused, rubbing his still sleepy eyes. "Ohoho, and here is the reason of our divorce" Kris commented mockingly and before Stana could say anything in Nathan's defense, Kris cut her off "Shut up! You cheater!" He yelled straight in her face. "Hey you won't call her that!" Nathan immediately stood in Stana's defense. "Oh, what are you going to do, lover boy?" He asked, pretending to be afraid. "Maybe this!" Kris pushed the door open, entered the apartment, snatched Nathan by the shirt and rammed him straight into the wall. Nathan took Kris off himself, but when he was ready to fight back, Kris squeezed him as hard as he could for that damn right hand.."Ouch, fuck, fuck...!! " Nathan whined as his eyes narrowed in unbearable pain. "You're not that strong anymore, huh, lover boy?" Kris threw a sneer at Nathan's face as Nathan writhed in pain. "Kris, let him go!" Stana yelled at Kris, but he didn't give up but provoked further "Or what?" He asked in a provocative tone as he squeezed Nathan's hand more and more "Or this!" Nathan gathered all the strength he had and fired his left, weaker hand straight into Kris's nose."NOW GET OUT OF HERE!" Nathan burst out as Kris held on to his now half-bloody nose. "I'm going now! But remember this is not over yet!" He pointed a threatening finger at Stana before adjusting his jacket and exiting the apartment. "Hey" Stana tried to take Nathan's troubled hand, but he immediately withdrew his hand. "Just let me see, okay?" She spoke in a gentle voice and Nathan held out his sensitive hand. She took his hand very, very carefully, but as soon as she touched it, she felt Nathan's whole body convulse. "Nathan, just so I can see, I'm not going to hurt you, I promise" She looked him in the eyes, gave him a warm look and, to his surprise, placed one hand lightly on his cheek. "Let's go to the hospital, look, you can't do anything with that hand, if it wasn't broken before, now it definitely is" Stana insisted anxiously. "But-" Nathan tried to argue, but she stopped him "Please, do it for me...please" She gave him one 'please' look. "Ugh...finee..." Reluctantly he agreed, he knew well he couldn't say no to her gaze, so he didn't even try. "But only because you said please" He couldn't resist throwing one of Richard Castle's lines. "Then let's go, Mr. Castle" Stana accepted his idea. "Right behind you...Mrs. Castle" He muttered softly, softly that last part, his heart pounding faster at the very thought. She knew, no matter how hard he tried to whisper, Stana still heard that last part, she just smiled sweetly, this time she will let him get away with it...

Part 12 here!

Chapter 13 will be in hospital and what will happend next

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