Chapter 19

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Holly soon finished making dinner, calling the others into the dining room. They alll entered the room, including Avdol since he heard Holly. "Avdooll! Finally you're out. Caesar told us that you both discovered something." Polnareff smiled at the other. Avdol nodded, "Yes, that is true. It was a tarot card I've never seen before. I still need to look more into it." Polnareff nodded in understandment. Holly sserved dinner, which they all ate. They talked about the mysterious card but none of them could figure it out. "So, what do we do now?" Kakyoin asked. "Nothing for now. Once we figure out what it means, then we'll handle it from there." Joseph answered. Jotaro thought for a moment, "Do you think that Hermit Purple can look into it?" He asked, his voice low and soft, barely heard. "That's a great idea! My grandson is so smart!" Jotaro rolled his eyes. "I just need a camera." Joseph added. "I can go get one. I'm sure Sadao has one somewhere." Holly offered. The mention of Sadao made Joseph cringe but he just nodded. Holly smiled before leaving the room. The room was awkwardly silent. At least until Holly returned with a camera. "This one is an old one that he rarely used. I'm sure he won't mind." She stated as she handed it to him. "Thank you, Holly." He grabbed the camera ten placed it onto the table before summoning Hermit Purple. Caesar's eyes widened as he faintly witnessed the stand. There was a bit of hamon mixed into it, but the pointy vines were definitely not hamoon. "Is that suppose to be...Hermit Purple?" Caesar asked. That's what Jotaro called it, right? Joseph nodded, "Yes, that is my stand." Joseph responded. But then the realization hit him. Joseph immediately looked at Caesar. "Wait, can you see it?" He asked. Everyone else looked at Caesar. "What do you see?" Avdol asked. "I see some type of bright purple vines." Caesar described. That was definitely Joseph's stand. "Wait...this all makes sense now." Avdol mumbled. "What do you mean, mon cherí?" Polnareff asked. "A new card appeared in my deck around the time me and Caesar were looking at them. Now, Caesar can see Joseph's stand. Could this mean that this card belongs to Caesar? And that he now has a stand?" That did make a lot of sense. "But how did he get the stand in the frst place?" Joseph questioned, Avdol shrugging. "That is something that I don't know. BBut I will surely look into it for you." "Now we have a house full of stand users." Kakyoin stated, smiling warmly. "Well sort of." Polnareff looked at Holly. "Well, Sadao isn't a stand user either." Holly mentioned. "Yeah but is he here?" Joseph asked. Jotaro huffed softly. "Good grief gramps. Just shut up already about that. He's on tours." Holly smiled sweetly. nodding in agreement. Caesar flicked Joseph's ear, "Don't start things, amore." He stated. Joseph rolled his eyes, though he was smiling. "I'm not, don't worry." He replied. "So who wants dessert?" Holly aksed. "Isn't she so sweet?" Joseph asked. Caesar chuckled softly, nodding at the question. "Do you have any cherries?" Kakyoin asked, a hopeful smile on his face. Jotaro rolled his eyes but nodded. "Good grief, is that all you eat?" Kakyoin chuckled softly. "No. You know that I like to snack on them." "In the most disgusting way." Jotaro remarked. Kakyoin knew what he was talking about, which made it more funny. "I'm afraid to ask what he's talking about." Caesar mumbled. "You don't want to know, trust me." Jotaro responded, chuckling softly. "Was that a laugh I heard?" Joseph teased, smirking at Jotaro. "Shut up, old man. You're hearing things." Caesar smiled at Jotaro. He was slowly starting to express himself. "Hey Jotaro, can we go to your room for a moment?" Caesar asked, which Jotaro nodded. They went to hiis room then sat on the bed. "I was thinking, maybe me and you should spend some time together. Like go to a few stores and go out to eat and get to know more about each other." Jotaro thought about it for a moment. "Sure, I guess." He replied. Caesar smiled then nodded. "Sounds like a plan. We have a day of just the two of us tomorrow." Jotaro nodded. This would be good for the both of them.

(Thank you everyone for reading! I hope you all enjoyed this chapter!)

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