Chapter 15

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"Maybe me and Caesar and go to the store and get Jotaro some medicine and maybe some snacks that might help?" Joseph offered. Holly smiled warmly, "Oh that would be great, papa. Thank you." She said before returning her attention to Jotaro. After Joseph and Caesar were done eating, the got ready then headed out. They both decided that they would go to a few stores. They were going to get Jotaro some more herbal tea, crackers, ginger ale, and cold medicine. He'd get better in no time. First, they'lll stop at a pharmacy. "Ok, so maybe we should get this medicine." Joseph said as he picked up a small bottle. Caesar shook his head, "No. First of all, that bottle is too small. Second of all, that is for children. Third of all, we need a pack. Like the morning and night medicine because he isn't going to get better in one day. It'll take a few days." He explained. But of course Joseph would go against his reasons. "Jotaro's body is strong. I believe that he can get better in a day. And he still counts as a child. Once he's 18, then he counts as an adult. He only needs 30 mL. So this bottle should be fine." Caesar face palmed, "Mamma mia, Joseph. Sei un tale idiota. Pensi ancora prima di parlare?" He mumbled as he rubbed his temples. "Jojo, just shut up and listen to me. Let's get the pack. If you say another word, I will punch you." Joseph remained quiet. He didn't want to argue with Caesar in the middle of the Pharmacy nor does he want to get punched. So, he just grabbed the pack and headed to the counter. He paid for it before Caesar could complain. Now just a few more stores then they can go home. The first few trips were normal and boring. They got the crackers and ginger ale but now they just had to go to one more store for the herbal tea. Caesar was complaining that the tea in the store they were just in was gross and wasn't as healthy as it says it is. So, Joseph was just going to go with what the other said. Caesar told Joseph about a store that had really good and healthy tea. And that's the store that they are going to right now. Once they arrived, Joseph let Caesar lead the way since he knew what he was doing. They got to the aisle that had the tea. As Caesar looked at the boxes of tea, Joseph walked around, leaving the other to focus and decide on what was best for colds. He noticed that there was a place where there was aisles of flowers. The flowers looked beautiful and healthy. The workers must be taking good care of the flowers. Joseph was smiling as he looked at the flowers, gently running his fingers along the pedals. "Aren't they so pretty?" Joseph jumped a bit, turning to face where he heard the voice. "Oh my! Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you." It was an older woman. Probably around Joseph's age. Joseph chuckled softly, "No no, it's fine. I just didn't see you over here when I entered the aisle. So you only surprised me a bit." He said. The woman giggled. "I see. My name is Marie." She held out her hand, in which Joseph happily shook her hand. "My name is Joseph." He said as he smiled at the woman. "That name suits you well. A pretty name for a pretty face." Joseph chuckled nervously. He pulled his hand away, using it to rub the back of his head. "Ah um thanks." He said before returning his gaze to the flowers. Marie stood next to Joseph, a little bit too close. "So, are you free anytime this week?" She asked. "I don't think so, sorry. I'll be taking care of my grandson and spending time with my lover." He replied. The woman hummed softly. "Well, you said that you don't think so but that wasn't an exact no." Joseph sighed softly before mumbling, "Oh my god." Did the woman even hear him say grandson? Not onl that, he mentioned that he was dating someone. It's like this woman didn't even care. Well now back to Caesar. He had finally found the tea he was looking for. It had enough tea bags. So, he'll get only one box. "Alright, Jojo. Are you ready?" He asked, though there was no answer. Caesar looked over, Joseph being no where in sight. He sighed softly, "Of course you'd run off without telling me." He mumbled to hiimself before starting to look around for the other. Not too long in the search, he heard Joseph's voice. It sounded like he was talking to someone. Maybe a worker. Caesar smiled once he spotted Joseph, though the smile slowly turned into a frown. There was a woman standing pretty close to him. The woman raised her hand, placing it on Joseph's arm as she laughed. Caesar approached the two, feeling the jealousy rise within him. "There you are, Jojo." He said, gaining Joseph's attention. "Caesar! Look at these flowers. Aren't they so pretty?" He pointed at a set of purplish blue flowers. Before Caesar could respond, Marie got closer to Joseph and nodded, "TThey are very beautiful. They remind me of someone who is just as beautiful." She flirted. Caesar growled softly, not liking this one bit. "Oh really? perhaps the cat you have that you were talking about?" Joseph smiled at the woman. She giggled softy, "No silly, I was talking about you." She said. Joseph didn't respond, only looking back at the flowers. He seemed uncomfortablle and Caesar didn't like that. "Well Joseph, let's get going." He said. Joseph was about to walk over to Caesar but Marie stopped him. She pulled out a small piece of paper and a pen, writing something down onto the paper before giving it to him. "Here's my phone number. You can call me whenever." She said before winking at him. Marie leaned forward to place a kiss of Joseph's cheek but Caesar was able to tell what she was about to do. So, he stopped her. "Oh no. Listen here, signora. You see that man right there? He's mine. Only mine. So you can keep this little paper. If you try to have any type of communication or contact with him again, you will regret it. Stay away from my boyfriend. Do you hear me? MY boyfriend." He grabbed the piece of paper from Joseph then threw it at the woman before grabbing Joseph's wrist then pullng him to the front of the store to cash out. Once that was done, they went back home. The car ride home was quiet. Joseph wanted to let the other cool down. Once they arrived at the house and parked, Caesar pulled Joseph into a kiss. Joseph let out a soft surprised gasp when he was suddenly pulled. Though he allowed the other to kiss him. After a few moments, Caesar pulled away, staring into Joseph's eyes. Joseph looked back into Caesar's eyes. After a bit, Caesar spoke, "I love you, Jojo. I love you so so much. No one will ever be able to change that." Joseph smiled warmly, "I love you too, Cae." He responded.

(Translations: Sei un tale idiota - You're such an idiot.
Pensi ancora prima di parlare - Do you even think before you speak?
I hope you all enjoyed this chapter!!! Thank you for reading!!! I hope you all have a great day/night! ^^)

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