Chapter 5

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(Warning: There is a spoiler for part 3)

Polnareff laughed, "Oh, don't worry. I know what's going on exactly. Well I wanted to tell you both that breakfast was done." He said before closing the door. Joseph hurried then got off of Caesar. "Oh no! He probably thinks that we're together or something! This isn't good, Cae!" Joseph shouted. Caesar chuckled softly, not really caring. "Well, you were sleeping on me." Caesar said, almost teasing him. Joseph shot Caesar a look. "But I had a reason!" Caesar chuckled more. "I'm only messing with you, polpetto. Calm down." He said. Joseph huffed before getting up out of the bed. He stretched his body then walked out of the room, not saying another word due to embarrassment. Caesar chuckled to himself before following Joseph out of the room. They both joined the others who were located at the hotel eating section. They were receiving smirks from Polnareff and Kakyoin. Joseph groaned as he shot them looks before sitting down at one of the tables that the others were at. Caesar sat down next to him. "I had a rough night so Caesar comforted me." He mumbled. Polnareff hummed in response, "Don't worry, Joseph. I believe you. We were only messing with you." He said. Breakfast was brought to them. They all began to eat, enjoying the food. Once that they were all finished, they gathered their belongings then left the hotel. "Ok, now we head to the air port." Joseph said. Jotaro groaned a bit, not prepared for this trip. Joseph chuckled softly, "It's ok, Jotaro. You won't have to worry about us crashing or coming across any enemy stand users." Joseph said. Jotaro hummed in response. "You never know." He mumbled. "He's got a point, Mr. Joestar." Kakyoin said. Joseph looked at Kakyoin. "You're suppose to be on my side. You know that no other stand user will attack us since we defeated Dio. Not only that, 


my grandson can stop time!" Joseph shouted. Caesar looked at Joseph, very confused. "What? Have you lost your mind, polpetto?" He asked. Joseph chuckled softly, "Nope. He can prove it to you." Joseph said then looked at Jotaro. Jotaro rolled his eyes, "Good grief. Oi, Caesar, keep looking at me." He said. Caesar looked a bit confused but did as the other said. Once Caesar blinked, Jotaro was gone. He gasped slightly then looked around, spotting Jotaro behind him. "What? How is that even possible?" Caesar asked. "You remember when we explained stands to you? Well one of Star Platinum's new abilities is 'the world' which stops time for a certain amount of time." Joseph explained. Caesar nodded, "I see. That's pretty impressive. I'll have to get used to this." He said.

(End of spoiler UwU)

 Joseph looked at the time then got up from the table. "We should get going." He said. The others nodded then got up from their seats as well. They eventually made it to the air port, then boarded onto the plane. Polnareff hurried then sat next to Avdol and Kakyoin hurried then sat down next to Jotaro, making Joseph and Caesar sit next to each other. Joseph sighed as he sat down, "I hope nothing happens during this plane trip." Joseph said. "Don't jinx it old man." Jotaro said. Joseph chuckled softly, "Yeah yeah. I know. Just relax, Jotaro." He responded. During the plane ride, Joseph slowly fell asleep, his head leaning on Caesar's shoulder. Caesar slowly fell asleep as well, leaning his head up against Joseph's. Kakyoin noticed then gasped slightly, getting Polnareff's attention. Polnareff looked back then smirked. The two of them fist pumped. Avdol and Jotaro looked at the two then looked at each other before looking back to what the two fist pumped for. Jotaro shook his, "Good grief." He mumbled. Avdol chuckled softly before looking forward again. Now Avdol and Jotaro are aware of what the other two are up to, though they didn't really care. As long as it wouldn't cause any problems. 

(Thank you guys for reading this chapter! Sorry that it was a bit late! I've been a bit busy! I hope you guys enjoyed this!)

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