Chapter 16

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Caesar was the type of person to get jealous easily, though he didn't like to always show it since he believes that will "ruin" his pride. Though, when he gets the person who would flirt with Joseph away or possibly afraid, he would feel prideful. But thinking about the person flirting with Joseph does get him mad. He was thinking about it now. "Are you ok, Cae?" Joseph asked, interrupting Caesar's thoughts. Caesar cleared his throat before smiling and nodding at Joseph. "Yes, I'm fine. Just spacing out." He responded. Joseph smiled back before nodding, "Alright. Then let's go inside now. We need to give Jotaro medicine." He said before exiting the car. Caesar exited the car as well. Joseph was reaching into the back seat to grab the bags, but Caesar stopped him. "I'll bring the bags in, Joseph. Just go inside." Joseph rolled his eyes. "I'm not broken, Caesar. I can carry things." He picked up the two bags before heading towards the front door. Caesar smirked as a thought came to mind. He walked up to Joseph then picked him up, causing Joseph to gasp softly in surprise. "Caesar? What are you doing?" He asked. "What does it look like, Jojo? Since you won't let me carry the bags, I'll just carry you." He answered. Joseph rolled his eyes, though he wasn't complaining. He liked being carred by the other, which Caesar was aware of that. Caesar kissed Joseph's cheek as he carried him inside. The others, who were inside, looked at the two who entered the house. "Papa? Are you ok?" Holly asked as she walked away from the couch and towards the couple. "Yeah, I'm alright." He pushed himself out of Caesar's arms. Joseph put the bags down, taking the medicine, tea, ginger ale, and crakers out of the bags and placing them onto the table in front of him. Holly took the tea, placing it onto the counter before setting up the kettle. After that was set up, she grabbed the medicine then opened it, pouring the right amount into the small measuring cup. She brought it over to Jotaro, "Jotaro, it's time to take some medicine. I'm making tea for you too." She said sweetly. Jotaro groaned in response, still facing the cushions on the couch. Holly sighed softly, "Jotaro, you need to take this medicine so that you can feel better." She added, but she only recieved the same response. Kakyoin decided to join in, helping Holly out. He grabbed Jotaro's arm, gently pulling him. "Come on, Jojo. You need to take this medicine." Jotaro groaned once again before finally turning over to face Holly to take the medicine. Holly smiled, thanking Kakyoin before giving Jotaro the medicine. Joseph and Caesar watched from the kitchen, smiling. "They're together, right?" Caesar asked. Joseph nodded, "Yes they are. I'm happy that Jotaro has someone that makes him happy." Caesar hummed softly in agreement. "I think he'll help Jotaro express himself. Like how he's feeling annd such." Caesar said before looking over to Joseph, who looked back at the other. "I hope so. Jotaro needs that." Casear wrapped an arm around Joseph's waist, humming softly as he did so. He pulled Joseph close, kissing his cheek. Joseph gave Caesar a kiss back on the cheek. The lovely moment was interrupted when the kettle started the whistle. Joseph ppulled away from Caesar. "I'll take care of it, Holly." He said loud enough for Holly to hear. Caesar shook his head, "I'll take care of it, Jojo. You'll some how turn it into a disaster." He moved so that he was in front of the other. Joseph sighed softly, rolling his eyes. "I don't ruin everything I touch." He said, putting emphasis on "everything". Caesar chuckled, "Mhm." He responded. Caesar made the tea, bringing it over to Jotaro. Jotaro toook the hot cup into his hands. "Thanks." He mumbled softly. Though, he looked up at the Italian for a few seconds before looking down at the cup. Casear raised an eyebrow before sitting down next to the sick teenager. Jotaro looked over to Caesar again. Caesar took the cup from Jotaro's hands, placing the cup down onto the coffee table. He wrapped an arm around Jotaro, pulling him close. He rubbed his arm. At first, Jotaro was tensed up, but he soon relaxed to the touch. This sight warmed Holly''s and Joseph's heart. Normally Jotaro didn't like this type of stuff. But for some reason, he felt safe and calm in the Italian's touch. Surely Jotaro will come around soon. He'll open up soon, well hopefully. Jotaro closed his eyes as he relaxed more. Caesar smiled down at Jotaro, his goal was to get Jotaro to open up and show some emotions an speak up on how he feels. Joseph walked obver to the couch, sitting on the other side of Joseph. He reached a hand over then started rubbing his back. After a bit, Jotaro sat up, caussing Jooseph and Caesar to pull their arms away. Caesar grabbed the cup of tea from the coffee table before giving it to Jotaro. Jotaro took the cup into his hands, "Thanks, grandpa." He mumbled before taking a small sip of the tea. Joseph and Caesar looked at each other for a moment. Did Jotaro just call Casear grandpa? Caesar looked at JJotaro then smiled, "No problem, Jotaro."

(GAAAAAAHHHH hi ^^ XD I hope that you all enjoyed this chapter! Thank you all for reading! And thank you for being patient T-T I very much appreciate it. <3)

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