chapter 1

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It had now been a week since Dio's defeat. The others decided to go out to eat to officially celebrate their victory, though it had been a week. They would soon return to Japan but they wanted to relax a bit due to being exhausted. They walked around and soon found an Italian restaurant. "An Italian restuarant here?" Polnareff questioned. "You know Pol, people travel around the world and bring their ethnic food with them and make businesses with it. Just like how there's American food in Japan." Kakyoin explained. He hummed in response, not thinking of that before. They entered the restaurant, getting seat by their waiter. "Anything you'd like to drink?" His strong Italian accent kicked in as the man spoke. Avdol, Jotaro, and Kakyoin asked for tea. But for Polnareff and Joseph, they got coffee. Kakyoin looked over as he heard someone sit at the table next to them. "Would you like anything to drink, sir?" The waitress asked. "Tea please. Thank you, signora." The man had a strong Italian accent. He looked around Joseph's age. The man looked at Kakyoin, noticing the eyes that were upon him. Kakyoin hurried and looked away, setting his attention back onto his friends. The man chuckled softly before looking at the others that were at Kakyoin's table. He noticed Joseph, squinting at him. He looked familiar to the man but couldn't put his finger on it. Their waiter came back with their drinks, handing them it. He soon left to give them time to decide what to eat. Joseph took a sip of his coffee, though he regretted it. "OH MY GOOOOD!" He shouted then stuck out his tongue. "What did you expect, old man? It's going to be hot since it was just brewed." Jotaro said. The man that sat at the other table froze. He recognized that loud obnoxious voice. That was the voice of Joseph Joestar. But he had to make sure, somehow. Joseph blew onto his coffee then went to sip it again. "Ah, Mr. Joestar, perhaps that's not a great idea." Avdol said. Polnareff laughed a bit before adding on to what Avdol said, "Yeah, you've already caused enough of a scene." The man looked at him. It really was Joseph Joestar. But how was he going to approach him? He wasnt sure how the other would react as well. Kakyoin got up, "I'll be right back." The others nodded. He was about to walk past the man at the other table, but he stopped Kakyoin. "Excuse me, signore. May we speak for a moment?" He asked. Kakyoin felt a bit nervous, afraid he would mention when Kakyoin stared at him. "Of course." He smiled then sat down at the table. "Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Caesar Zeppeli." He said as he smiled. "My name is Noriaki Kakyoin. But please call me Kakyoin." He smiled back. "Theres something I've noticed, but I'd rather be 100 percent sure before I make assumptions." He said. Kakyoin waited, being sure to pay attention. "That man you're sitting with," he pointed at Joseph, "Does that person happen to be Joseph Joestar?" He asked. Kakyoin looked to who he was pointing at then looked back to Caesar. "Yes. Why? Do you know him?" He asked. Caesar smiled warmly, nodding. "Yes. Him and I were close friends before." He said softly. "If you dont mind me asking, what happened? Are you two not friends anymore?" Caesar sat silently for a moment. "Something happened that caused people to believe I....died. I thought I was going to die, that I would die. But I did it for Joseph. It's a long story." Kakyoin nodded slowly. "Do you....want to talk with him?" Kakyoin asked. Caesar sighed softly, "I would love to but I'm afraid to see his reaction." He said. Kakyoin hummed, trying to think of something. "Well, I have to use the restroom but once I return, I'll gladly assist you to seeing your friend once again." He offered. Caesar looked up at him happily then nodded. Kakyoin did his business then returned to Caesar. He gestured the other to follow him. But before Caesar followed him, he let his waitress know when she brought him his tea. "Grazie, signora." He followed Kakyoin to the other table where the crusaders were. They looked at Kakyoin then smiled before noticing the man next to him. Joseph stared at the man with widened eyes. It couldn't be. He was dead. Joseph and Caesar made eye contact. "Hello, Joseph." He smiled. "C-Caesar?"

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