Chapter 20

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Just as the two planned, they left bright and early in the morning. Though Jotaro wasn't exactly a morning person. So, he was a bit grumpy. Throughout the morning, that emotion vanished. Jotaro showed Caesar a few places and gave him a small tour. Caesar quickly learned his way around, which wasn't surprising. Now, they were just walking around in one of the stores. "So Jotaro, what do you plan on doing? What's your dream job?" Caesar asked. Jotaro shrugged, not really saying anything. Caesar hummed softly, not knowing what to say. After a bit of walking, Jotaro finally spoke up. "Marine biologist." Caesar looked over at Jotaro, "What was that?" He asked due to not hearing what he said. "Marine biologist. That's what I want to become." Jotaro replied. If Caesar ws being honest, he was a bit surprised. But he didn't really know him too well so he couldn't reallly say much about it. "You like the ocean?" Jotaro nodded. "Is there an aquarium around here?" There was actually one not too far from them. They actually ended up going there. Caesar walked beside Jotaro, smiling as he saw the other's eyes light up as he looked at the fish. "Do you like the fish?" Caesar asked. Jotaro looked at him, a smile on his face, a real smile. "Yes." He answered before looking back at the fisg. They spent a few hours at the aquarium before leavng to get some food. Afte eating, they headed back home. "Did you enjoy your day?" Caesar asked. Jotaro nodded before talking about the fish they saw. The entire time he talked, there was a smile on his face. This was the most that Jotaro's talked to him. Though when they arrived back home, he was back to being quiet and the smile vanished. BUt Caesar didn't say anything about it, not wanting to make him uncomfortable or anything. "How was your day?" Holly asked, smiling at the two. Jotaro shrugged, walking in his room. Caesar smiled at Holly, "It was great, thank you." He replied bfore going into the living room. Polnareff, Avdol, and Joseph were in there, sitting on the couch. Caesar sat down next to Joseph, telling them about his day. "Woah woah woah, you mean to tell me that Jotaro actually smiled? Is that evn possible?" POlnareff asked, causing Caesar to chuckle sodtly. "Yes, it is possible. I was just able to make him smile since we went somewhere that he liked." The blonde responded. "Jotaro is already so close to you, huh?" Joseph asked, placing a kiss on his cheek. "It seems like that." Jotaro remained in his room, Kakyoin being in there as well. Laughter could be heard from the room. It was definitely Kakyoin. Caesar smiled, happy that everone was enjoying themselves. Today was an amazing day. Itt couldn't have gone any better.

(Thank you everyone for reading! I hope yoou all enjoyed this chapter! ^^)

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