Chapter 21

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Since that Jotaro and Caesar had their own little day, now it was time for Joseph and Caesar to have their own little day. They had agreed to go out for dinner later, calling a date. But first, they'll be going for a nice long walk. The walk was prett peaceful. They held hands, their fingers intertwining. Now deciding that it would be a good time to take a small break. They sat down on a nearby bench, their fingers still intertwined. This were going pretty good, at least until someone decided to change that. It was some middle aged woman with a young child, probably around 5 years old. The woman approached the couple, one hand on her hip while the other was holding her child's hand. "Excuse me." Caesar and Joseph looked at the woman. "What you're doing right now is very wrong. I don't want my child to see this then turn gay." She stated. Caesar just looked at the woman as if she was insane. "What?" He asked in disbelief. "I said that what you're doing is-" "I think he heard you. it's just that we don't understand how us loving each other will affect your child." Joseph interrupted. The woman scoffed, looking very offended. "I don't want my baby boy to witness such disgusting behavior!" She shouted, gettting quite a few stares. "Then walk away. No one said that you or your son had to look at us. If it bothers you so much, then leave." Caesar replied. "I will call the police on you for trying to brain wash my child!" She continued to scream, stating nonsense and being ridiculous. As she was rambling on about 'how bad this was', someone in their mid teens walked u to the woman. "Karen, leave them alone. They're not doing anything wrong." The woman looked at the teenager. "Excuse me?! My name is not Karen! It is Stephanie. Get it right. And mind your own business. It is rude to jump into a conversation that doesn't involve you!" She shouted. But the teen didn't seem affected by it. "Rude? Do you even know what rude is? What you're doing is rude." He then looked at Caesar and Joseph, "I'm sorry about this. Some people are just so ignorabnt." The woman huffed before pulling the child's arm. "I'll make sure my husband hears about this!" She left the three. "Thank you." Caesar smiled warmly at the teen. "No probs. Some people are assholles. Don't listen to people like her. Oh by the way, my name iis Chris." He shook Caesar's and Joseph's hand. "My name is Caesar. And this is Joseph." "Nice to met you. Do you mind if I join you both?" He asked, pointing at the empty space on the bench. Caesar noded, "Of course." Chris sat down, thanking him. They talked for a while, sharing stories and laughing. "Uh oh, here comes troule. Looks like she wasn't lying." Chris mumbled, tilting his head towards the woman, man, and child that was approaching them. "Tha's them, Rick. THose filthy animalsthat harassed me." She pointed at the three. "Harassed? I'm sorry lady but I think you got the story all mixed up." Chris stated. "You were the one who approached us and started things." Joseph added. "Started things? I'm only trying to protect my baby from you creatures!" "Honey, calm down. I'll take care of this." The man looked at the three, sighing softly. "I'm sorry for my wife's behavior. She's quite new to this type of stuff." The woman gasped, "Rick! Are you blaming me? I did nothing wrong! These freaks traumatized my son!" She screamed. "Come on, Caesar. Let's just leave." Joseph stated before standing up. "Ahhhh! Get back! I will call the police!" Caesar rolled his eyes as he stood up as well. "We're leaving, ok?" Chris immediately stood up, "No, you shouldn't have to leave because of come homophoic bozo." The woman gasped, "Excuse me? Is that a way to speak to an adult, young lady?" Chris rolled his eyes, "First of all, young man. Second of all, What adult are you talking about because the person I'm talking to is more like a child than an dult. Actually no, some kids are more mature than you." "Uhhhh young lady, I am no child! I am a fully grown adult who is speaking nothing but the truth!" She replied back. "Mama mia. Sei così noioso. Stai già zitto, idiota. Sei la donna più ignorante che abbia mai incontrato. (You are so annoying. Just be quiet already, idiot. You are the most ignorant woman I have ever met.)" Caesar pinched the bridge of his nose in frustration. The woman raised an eyebrow, "Excuse me but does it look like I speak whatever language that was?" Caesar rolled his eyes. "Your next line will be; 'Don't you roll your eyes at me! Show me some respect!'" Joseph smirked. "Don't you roll your eyes at me! Show me some respect!" She shouted. But then the realization hit her. "Oh my god, Rick! They're demons!" Rick sighed softly. Joseph let out aa deep chuckle, "Oooooh! I am a demon! I'll possess you! Look at my crazy power!" He took off his prosthetic arm. The chld watched Josepph take it off, looking amazed. "No honey! Don't look!" She covered her child's eyes. Caesar chuckled softly. "Jojo, don't do that. You're giving her more of a reasonto start things." He stated. "Well, I had my fun. Now let's leave." Joseph put the prosthetic arm back on before grabbing Caesar's hand then purposely kissing his cheek in front of the woman. "I love you." Joseph smiled. "I love you too, Jojo." "Ewwwwww! No!" The woman picked up her kid then left, the man following her. "That was amazing to watch." Chris stated, chuckling softly. "Yeah, it was pretty funny and ridiculous." Joseph replied. They talked for a bit more before Caesar and Joseph decided that it was about time to leave and get some dinner. When they were done eating, they brought some left overs for the others, knowing that they would really appreciate that.

(A bit of your daily dose of Karen XD Sorry if that Italian part wasn't right T-T I used google translate 👁👄👁 well anyway, I hope you all enjoyed that chapter! Thank you all for reading! ^^)

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