Chapter 6

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Thankfully the plane ride was peaceful. There were no enemy stand users that would cause the plane to crash nor was Joseph piloting the plane, so they were safe. After a while of Polnareff and Kakyoin fangirling over Joseph and Caesar sleeping together, the plane finally landed. Jotaro looked at Joseph, "Oi! Old man, wake up!" He said, his voice raised a bit. But it wasn't going to be that easy. Though, Caesar woke up, which was a good thing since he's had plenty of experience with having to wake up Joseph. Caesar stretched his body before looking at Jotaro then Joseph. "Hey, polpetto, wake up." He put his hand on Joseph's shoulder then shook him. After a bit of shaking him, going a bit rougher, Joseph woke up. "Hm?" He looked around. "We've landed. Let's grab our stuff and get off of this thing." Polnareff said. Which is what they did. Now, they were finally back in Japan. They got a taxi, of course having to request a van since there was 6 bulky men going in. They finally arrived to Jotaro's home, which took some time to drive to. Joseph paid the taxi driver before getting out. He sighed softly, "Yen is so confusing." He mumbled. Kakyoin chuckled softly, "I think the same, but for American money." He said. That caused Joseph to laugh, "You mean US dollars?" He teased. Kakyoin rolled his eyes, "Same thing." He said. They approached the large place. "Wait, do all of you live here?" Caesar asked. Joseph shook his head, "Only Joseph and Holly, my daughter." He answered. "This place is pretty large for only two people." He said. "At least someone agrees." Jotaro mumbled. Caesar smiled warmly at the other, only receiving a cold look in return. "Show some emotion." Caesar said to Jotaro. That comment made the others laugh. "Good luck with that, Mr. Zeppeli. Jotaro isn't the one who normally shows emotion. One rarely he does." Avdol said. "First, please call me Caesar. Second, we can change that." Caesar smirked. Jotaro rolled his eyes, "Good grief." He mumbled before entering the place. "Jotaro!" Holly shouted before hugging him. "I'm so happy you're ok." She said. Jotaro sighed, this time not pushing her off. He instead hugged her back. He soon let his arms drop. "Ok, get off of me." Jotaro demanded. "Ok~" She said sweetly. Joseph then hugged Holly, "I'm so happy you're safe!" He shouted. Holly giggled a bit, "Aw papa, I'm ok now. Thanks to you." She said. They soon backed away from the hug. "There's a coupe of people I want you to meet, Holly." Joseph gestured for Polnareff and Caesar to come over. "This is Polnareff. We met him during the adventure." Polnareff shook her hand. "Bonjour, Ms. Holly." He said while bowing a bit before heading over to stand next to Kakyoin. Joseph then looked at Caesar, "This is old friend." He said, staring into the other's eyes. Polnareff bent over a bit to whisper into Kakyoin's ear while doing the quote end quote motion with his fingers, "Friend." Polnareff and Kakyoin then laughed. Caesar walked over to her then smiled before shaking her hand. "Ciao, signora. It's a pleasure to meet you." He said. He backed away then stood next to Joseph again. "I love meeting people that have different nationalities." Holly said, smiling. "Well, papa, it's getting a bit late. I don't think it would be appropriate to send them to a hotel to sleep at." Holly said. Jotaro rolled his eyes, "Yeah, you can fit a whole party in this place and still have room for more people." Jotaro said. Joseph chuckled softly, "Well, thank you, Ms. Holly. I'll be happy to have a sleep over." Kakyoin said. Then Polnareff smirked, "Yeah, and we can share rooms with someone so that there's enough space." He said. Jotaro raised an eyebrow, "Oi, did you not hear me before? This house is big enough t-" "LET'S SHARE ROOMS!" Polnareff shouted, interrupting the other. Jotaro rolled his eyes, "Good grief, whatever." Avdol went over to Jotaro then whispered to him, "Do you think Polnareff and Kakyoin are still continuing with what they were planning? Like on the plane. I think they might've set them up in the hotel as well." Jotaro sighed softly, "I honestly wouldn't be surprised. They are both childish. So I am guessing they are continuing it." Jotaro whispered back. Avdol nodded before backing away, for personal space of course. Polnareff smirked more, causing Jotaro and Avdol to look at each other then back at Polnareff. "Say, since we've gone through sooooo much tough things and what not, why don't we play a game tonight?" He asked. Joseph raised his eyebrow. "What game?" Joseph asked. Polnareff hummed, "The best game of course, truth or dare." He answered. Jotaro sighed softly, knowing that Polnareff was planning something. The only thing is, what was he planning? They'd just have to find out. 

(Thank you guys for reading this chapter! I hope you guys enjoyed it! Sorry for posting late though, I've been busy! I'll try to keep up with the updates XD. And sorry if this chapter is a bit shorter. oofie XD)

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