Chapter 3: Camel rides in the desert

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L"Don't you dare spill a single tear young lady. We don't want the boss mad in any way. Got it?" The short woman with a Japanese accent sneered at Eira.

She couldn't hold it down anymore and broke down in a cascade of tears the exact moment the lady entered the dirty lockup with some makeup appliances.

Had it not been the order of Don Dembo's fat rich client to leave her untouched, the Japanese would have probably slapped her face stingingly.

There were two more Japanese ladies at her sides doing her manicure and pedicure. Eira always wanted to be treated like a freaking Queen. She'd dreamt of royalty as a little girl growing up. She'd envisioned her prince charming, swooping her off her feet, carrying her to the fairy-tale land. Yet, here she was, in a dirty cell sized room, reeking of piss and fart smell combined, the three ladies at her disposal to make her look like a princess. The irony, she laughed at her own misery in her head while her face remained stoic.

Kiara's eyes remained on Eira all the time as if silently begging her to take her away from this place, but they both knew how impossible the option was.

Kiara managed to peek through the ventilator to obtain a look outside in the dark night since she was untied, and she was frozen from head to toe to find the number of armed men lined up outside.

She felt like she was in a freaking war movie. The men were dressed in black uniform. The place was gigantic. Merely judging the size of their tiny cell was not a good idea.

Thankfully, no one had seen them or got to know about their escape plan that failed before it even started. Kiara knew it was a death wish to try to escape and was hell bent to not try it.  

"It's time to go," The yellow teethed man was back in the room, interrupting the Japanese women.

"Owatta ne." The lady at Eira's feet stood up and set back her appliances in her large black bag and left with her companions.

"C'mon, get up. They already left for you," The yellow teethed man's statement made Eira even more confused. Something in her stomach tingled appallingly and the dreadful anticipation travelled like a whirlwind inside.

"Kiara-" Eira's tears threatened to fall, but she knew better to hold them intact.

"Girl, you don't worry about me. I'm already doomed. They've raped me already, it's about sustenance now. I'll hold on till I can. You go out there and save us," Kiara said in a low voice. She was smiling at her. A hopeful smile.

Unquestionably, Kiara's family were already in her search, for they should know by now she'd gone missing. Thus, after they were clear-cut on their non-escape plan, Kiara provided her brother's cell phone number to Eira, and asked her to relate to her brother every descriptive detail about the location here. If they wanted money as ransom, it would be effortless for the Bhardwaj family. The infants of Bhardwaj dripped in money at their delivery.


For two long days, Eira was stuck in a moving machine, her arms tied in handcuffs. She wasn't sure whether it was a truck as the engine made no sound.

She was compelled to leave on the blindfold at all times unless she was told otherwise, but Eira had always been a bright student at school and her mind was no less than a cunning fox.

She felt the heat on her skin as she got down from the mean of transport, whatever the heck that was, and instantly envisaged the place as a scorching hot one.

Are we in Florida? She pondered. That was the hottest state in America she could think of. After God knew how long, she heard the door open.

"Kharaja." A strong male voice called out sounding like that of a leader.

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