6. Otaku meets the Trap...

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Y/n's Pov

I woke up trough screaming of my friends.

"I swear if that bunny girl tries to attack my friends I'm gonna beat the shit out of her.." I mumbled and got myself ready to go out.

As soon as I was ready I ran out to the camp. I saw a blue haired man fighting my friends.

"You little son of a bitch! Leave or I make you!!" I screamed and ran at him with my polearm.

"I'm not the person to fight, you need to fight those hilichurls" he said and tried to avoid my attacks.

"Oh hell na, leave my friends alone or I promise you won't make it back alive" I threaten him.

"Your friends? So Amber said the truth about a girl being friend with hilichurls..." he mumbled to himself.

I used the moment where he was in deep thoughts and kicked him as far away from the camp as I could.

To my surprise he hit my front door.

Woah I guess I got stronger in this dimension.

"I'm so sorry for the trouble guys! I deal with him from now on, you can start repaying your camp I will come later and help you!" I excused myself and ran back to the man.

"I got to admit, you got a pretty hard kick" he said rubbing his stomach at the spot where I kicked him.

"Don't. Go. Near. The. Hilichurls." I threaten him.

"Yeah, yeah I understand but do you understand how dangerous they can get?" He asked me with a serious look.

"Pfft- as if they would do anything to the person who feeds them! It's like with cats, you feed them they respect you" I said proud of myself.

"You can't compare them, cats can't kill someone" he said face palming.

"What did you say? Of course they can! Do you maybe have anything against cats?" I asked him with a death glare.

"Ahaha no I don't" he laughed awkwardly.

"Good, anyways, why are you here? Did bunny girl send you?" I asked him.

"Well she told us about a girl out here and I got curious myself and so I came to meet you" he explained.

"Wow now I have a second stalker" I laughed sarcastically.

"You have a stalker problem? Why not live in the city? There are lots of Knights" he suggested.

"Because Kevin gave me this house" I said blunt.

"Oh I see, this Kevin person must mean a lot to you" He said while being in deep thoughts.


"Huh? Then why do you stay here then?" He asked me confused.

"Because I have nowhere to go, plus I need to look after my friends here!" I exclaimed and pointed to the hilichurls.

"Oh wait, I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Kaeya, chivalry captain of the Knights of Favonius" he introduced himself.

"Pftt- for a Knight you really suck at fighting! I'm Y/n!" I introduced myself too.

"Y-/n? Is it you?" Kaeya asked shocked.

"Eh? I said my name is Y/n why are you acting so weird about it?" I got confused of his behaving.

"Do you by any chance are friends with Mondstadt, Liyue people and the harbingers?" He asked me with a hopeful look.

"What are you talking about? I never heard of a Mondstadt or Liyue, not even of the harbingers?" I got confused.

"Are you serious? You literally live in Mondstadt!" He face palmed.

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